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Кто как ловит ПСП. how to recognize the out-of-phase condition(+)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Программируемые логические схемы и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено tivocr 29 июня 2005 г. 17:02

Сначала цитата из 0.150 (ITU-T):

4.2 Loss of sequence synchronization
Bit error measurements using pseudo-random sequences can only be performed if the reference sequence produced on the receiving side of the test set up is correctly synchronized to the sequence coming from the object under test. In order to achieve compatible measurement results, it is necessary that the sequence synchronization characteristics are specified.
The following requirement is applicable to all O-Series Recommendations dealing with error performance measurements using pseudo random sequences.
Sequence synchronization shall be considered to be lost and resynchronization shall be started if:
a) the bit error ratio is  0.20 during an integration interval of 1 second; or
b) it can be unambiguously identified that the test sequence and the reference sequence are out of phase.
NOTE – One method to recognize the out-of-phase condition is the evaluation of the error pattern resulting from the bit by bit comparison. If the error pattern has the same structure as the pseudo random test sequence, the out of phase condition is reached.

Вопрос следующий: 1.error pattern какого размера брали? и из какого места (:)) последовательности (нули в начале не хочется брать - нули и в пустом канале могут быть)?
ПСП - 2^15.

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