(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено БУ 20 декабря 2004 г. 08:02
В ответ на: Проблема с mega8 нечаяно запрограммировал бит RSTDSBL , ни кто не поскажет как вылечить ? отправлено SergeyT 20 декабря 2004 г. 07:17

Note, if the RESET pin is disabled by programming the RSTDISBL Fuse, it may not be possible to follow the proposed algorithm above. The same may apply when External Crystal or External RC configuration is selected because it is not possible to apply qualified XTAL1 pulses. In such cases, the following algorithm should be followed:
1. Set Prog_enable pins listed in Table 90 on page 220 to “0000”.
2. Apply 4.5 - 5.5V between VCC and GND simultanously as 11.5 - 12.5V is applied to RESET.
3. Wait 100 ns.
4. Re-program the fuses to ensure that External Clock is selected as clock source
(CKSEL3:0 = 0’b0000) and RESET pin is activated (RSTDISBL) unprogrammed).
If Lock bits are programmed, a chip erase command must be
executed before changing the fuses.
5. Exit Programming mode by power the device down or by bringing RESET pin to 0’b0.
6. Entering Programming mode with the original algorithm, as described above.

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