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(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено Kosha 11 октября 2004 г. 21:20

ЗЫ: Я тут не причем и это никоим образом не реклама. Просто решил поделиться :-)

Micrium is releasing a USB client bulk stack : uC/USB Version 1.00.

The USB client bulk stack has been designed to work on any embedded system with USB client controller. A hardware
abstraction layer makes it possible to easily write or modify existing routines hardware access routines. It can be used
with USB 1.1. or USB 2.0 devices.

The stack consists of an embedded side, which is shipped in source-code form, and a driver for the PC, which is typically
shipped as executable (.sys), but is also available as source code.

The purpose of the USB stack is to allow developers to quickly and painlessly develop software for an embedded device to
communicate with a PC via USB. The communication is like a single, high speed, reliable channel (Very similar to a TCP

It basically allows the PC to send data to the embedded target, the embedded target to receive these bytes and reply with
any number of bytes. The PC is the USB host, the target is the USB client. The USB standard defines 4 types of
communication: Control, isochronous, interrupt and bulk. Experience has shows, that for most embedded devices bulk mode is
the communication mode of choice. It allows usage of the full bandwidth of the USB bus.

The highest possible transfer rate on USB 1.1 (12 Mbit/sec) devices is app. 1.1 MByte per second. This data rate can
indeed be achieved on fast system, such as ARM7.

What is included (depneding on the licensing choices):
Sources of the stack (target side)
Sample config
Sample hardware layer routines
PC-Programs (in source and exe form) to help bring up and test the system USB driver and .inf file.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you require any further information or if I may be of any additional

Best regards,

Christian Legare
80 Berlioz, Suite 1108
Verdun, Quйbec H3E 1N9
Phone : +1 514 768 8108
Fax: +1 954 217 2037
WEB : www.micrium.com
e-mail: christian.legare@micrium.com

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