Т.е. исходники только некоторых ф-ий для 24хх приведены, sin/cos/tan/log/sqrt ...
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено гоша 29 мая 2004 г. 20:44
В ответ на: Библиотеки работы с фикс точкой для 24xx нет. Т.е. есть только для 28xx Написать несложно. На C писать - смысла нет... отправлено гоша 29 мая 2004 г. 20:39

; File Name :qsin.asm
; Originator :Digital Control Systems Group
; Texas Instruments
; Description :This file contain source code for Fixed point sin
; Date : 17/10/2000
; Routine Name : Generic Function
; Routine Type : C Callable
; Description :
; signed int qsin(signed int x)
; Algorithm :
; sin(x): where x is in radians
; = ((((0.0372*x)-0.2338)*x+0.0544)*x+0.9826)*x+0.0013 when x>=0
; Pseudo Code
; signed int qsin(signed int x)
; {
; int y;
; temp=abs(x);
; y=appx(temp); /* Sin approximation for positive value of 'x' */
; if(x<0)
; {
; y=-y;
; }
; return y;
; }
; Function Local Frame
; |_______|
; |_______|<- Stack Pointer (FP+2) <---AR1
; |_______|<- Register to Register Tfr & Computation (FP) <---AR0
; |_______|<- Old FP (FP-1)
; |_______|<- Return Address of the Caller (FP-2)
; |_______|<- Formal parameter X (FP-3) <---AR2

; Module definition for external referance
.def _qsin

__sin_frs .set 00001h ; Local frame size for this routine
__pi .set 00c91h ; PI in Q10 Format, for short immediate MPY
__a0 .set 05532h ; 0.0013 scaled by 2^24
__a1 .set 07dc6h ; 0.9826 scaled by 2^15
__a2 .set 06f69h ; 0.0544 scaled by 2^19
__a3 .set 0884bh ; -0.2338 scaled by 2^17
__a4 .set 00986h ; 0.0372 scaled by 2^16 for short immediate MPY

POPD *+ ; Store the Return Address in stack
SAR AR0,*+ ; Store the Caller's Frame Pointer
LAR AR0,#__sin_frs
LAR AR0,*0+,AR2 ; Create Local frame for sin function

MAR *0+ ; Modify AR2 to point to x
LACC *,16,AR0 ; ACC=x, where x is in scaled Q15 Format
SACH * ; Take absolute value of input

LT * ; TREG=x in scaled Q15 format
MPY #__pi ; Convert x from scaled Q15 to radians
; P= x*pi(Q25)
PAC ; ACC=x*pi(Q25)
SACH *,4 ; Store the radian in Q13 format

LT * ; TREG=x in Q13 format

MPY #__a4 ; P=x*a4 in Q29
LACC #__a3,12 ; ACC=a3 in Q29
APAC ; ACC=a3+x*a4 in Q29
SACH *,3 ; Store a3+x*a4 in Q16

MPY * ; P=x*(a3+x*a4) in Q29
LACC #__a2,10 ; ACC=a2 in Q29
APAC ; ACC=a2+x*(a3+x*a4) in Q29
SACH *,2 ; Store a2+x*(a3+x*a4) in Q15

MPY * ; P=x*(a2+x*(a3+x*a4)) in Q28
LACC #__a1,13 ; ACC=a1 in Q28
APAC ; ACC=a1+x*(a2+x*(a3+x*a4)) in Q28
SACH *,3 ; Store a1+x*(a2+x*(a3+x*a4)) in Q15

MPY * ; P=x*(a1+x*(a2+x*(a3+x*a4))) in Q28
LACC #__a0,4 ; ACC=a0 in Q28
APAC ; ACC=a0+x*(a1+x*(a2+x*(a3+x*a4))) in Q28
SACH *,3 ; Store ACC in Q15 format

LACC *,0,AR2 ; Return the result
BIT *,0,AR1
BCND positive,NTC
CMPL ; Negate the result, if input is negative

SBRK #(__sin_frs+1) ; Clear the local frame
LAR AR0,*- ; Retrive Caller's frame pointer
PSHD * ; Push the return address to TOS
RET ; Return to the caller

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