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(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено Wugluskrr 18 ноября 2003 г. 16:15
В ответ на: Ответ: а по конкретнее отправлено CyberRevenger 18 ноября 2003 г. 15:38

38 ATmega128(L)
OSCCAL Register is not available in ATmega103 compatibility mode.
• Bits 7..0 – CAL7..0: Oscillator Calibration Value
Writing the calibration byte to this address will trim the Internal Oscillator to remove process
variations from the Oscillator frequency. This is done automatically during Chip
Reset. When OSCCAL is zero, the lowest available frequency is chosen. Writing nonzero
values to this register will increase the frequency of the Internal Oscillator. Writing
$FF to the register gives the highest available frequency. The calibrated Oscillator is
used to time EEPROM and Flash access. If EEPROM or Flash is written, do not calibrate
to more than 10% above the nominal frequency. Otherwise, the EEPROM or Flash
write may fail. Note that the Oscillator is intended for calibration to 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, or
8.0 MHz. Tuning to other values is not guaranteed, as indicated in Table 15.

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