А на меге 16 схема то куда как проще.
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено viakon 15 августа 2003 г. 08:02
В ответ на: Не поленись, собери. У меня в конторе фирменный JTAG ICE год друг у друга рвали. Теперь спокойно отлаживаемся. отправлено viakon 15 августа 2003 г. 07:51

Howto make BootICE (Compatible to A**** AVR JTAG*ICE)
ATmega163 (or Atmega16, need bootloader fix!!)
7.3728 Crystal
Standard UART Serial Driver (MAX232, etc)
VREF (pin 29) to VCC
ADC2 (pin35) to VCC
PD3 pull-down resistor 4k7
Connect some ATmega to your ICE
TDO - PB6(pin2) to target TDO
TDI - PB5(pin1) to target TDI
TMS - PB1(pin41) to target TMS
TCK - PB7(pin3) to target TCK
PB3(pin43) to LED (other side of LED to VCC) this is "JTAG Activity"
Program with bootice.rom see source bootice.bas (AVR Basic) use PonyProg (notice bootloader is for m163 only)
Set Fuses: BOOTSZ, BOOTRST all programmed, Clock all non-programmed see PonyProg screenshot
Connect your ATmega to COM port
Start AVRStudio 4
Select "Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\JTAGICE\Upgrade.ebn" as Flash file
Program Flash, close AVRPROG
Program Fuses using PonyProg so that BOOTRST is not programmed see PonyProg screenshot
In AVRStudio 4, Tools-JTAGICE you should see following screenshot
Congratulations you have AVRStudio connected to JTAGICE!
Go ahead and use your own JTAGICE !
This works folks! I made a mistake at the start having TDO at wrong pin but thanks to hints from friendly internet users who sent me a link to old version of JTAGICE datasheet this was fixed.

m16 Bootloader (seems to work, but readback fails) bas und rom

только еще 22,21,20,19 ноги на землю посадить надо

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