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принципиально не стану искать источники финансирования этого "Фонда «Общественное мнение»"...

Отправлено nest ( 12 сентября 2010, г. 18:55
В ответ на: Срочно раздать всем!!! А то тут херня какая-то: "Большинству граждан РФ стыдно за свою страну Лидерами России гордятся лишь 2%" отправлено см 12 сентября 2010, г. 18:32

не буду искать источники финансирования этого "Фонда «Общественное мнение»", так как подобные "общественные мнения" и прочие "зелёные" финансируются разными грантами от заокеанских друзей.

вот выдержка только по некоторым аналогичным:

"Academic Educational Forum on International Relations (Moscow, Russia)
$500,000 to strengthen the scholarly field of international relations in Russia (over three years). (2008)

Analytical Center of Juri Levada (Saratov, Russia)
$150,000 in support of the project, Monitoring of Social and Economic Transformations in Russia. (2009)

Center for Independent Social Research and Education (Irkutsk, Russia)
$300,000 in support of a project on improving social science research and education in universities of Siberia and the Russian far East (over three years). (2007)
Center for Russian Environmental Policy (Moscow, Russia)

$450,000 to develop regional mechanisms for developing and implementing Russia’s environmental policy (over three years). (2007)
Center for Social Policy and Gender Studies (Saratov, Russia)

Center for the Study of Nationalism and Empire (Kazan, Russia)
$240,000 in support of the journal, Ab Imperio (over three years). (2008)
Center for the Study of Nationalism and Empire (Kazan, Russia)
$150,000 in support of the «Ab Imperio» multidisciplinary academic journal in the social sciences and humanities (over three years). (2006)

Centre for Independent Social Research (St. Petersburg, Russia)
$600,000 in support of activities aiming to improve policy-relevant social science research and education in Russia (over five years).

European University at St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg, Russia)
$500,000 in support of development activities (over two years). (2007)
European University at St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg, Russia)
$100,000 in support of maintenance expenses for the European University at St. Petersburg. (2008)

Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
$600,000 in support of an educational program in the social sciences and humanities for young Russian regional university faculty and researchers (over three years). (2007)

Research Center «REGION» (Ulianovsk, Russia)
$250,000 in support of research, networking, and policy studies on youth issues in contemporary Russia (over three years). (2007)

Association of Groups for Public Investigations (Kazan, Russia)
$375,000 to promote human rights protection in the Russian Federation (over three years). (2008)
Association of Groups for Public Investigations (Kazan, Russia)
$200,000 in support of a project titled: Resistance to Violations of Human Rights: Murders, Tortures, and Arbitrary Arrests (over two years). (2006)
Institute of Social Research and Civil Initiatives (Kazan, Russia)
$90,000 in support of a project titled Police Officers and Ethnic Minorities: the Practice of Interaction in Kazan and St Petersburg (over two years). (2006)
Kazan Human Rights Center (Kazan, Russia)
$180,000 in support of a long-term strategy to combat police abuse in Russia (over three years). (2007)

Center for the Support of Democratic Youth Initiatives (Perm, Russia)
$100,000 to promote the rights of young men of conscript age (over two years). (2008)
Perm Civic Chamber (Perm, Russia)
$375,000 to promote new approaches to human rights work in Russia (over three years). (2008)
Perm Regional Human Rights Center (Perm, Russia)
$225,000 to combat abuse by police and prison officers in Russia (over three years). (2007)

Central-Blacksoil Center for Protection of Media Rights (Voronezh, Russia)
$300,000 to protect media rights in Russia (over three years). (2009)

Dos’e na Tsenzuru (Moscow, Russia)
$195,000 in support for a human rights journal and a quarterly publication covering human rights violations in the criminal justice and penitentiary systems (over three years). (2007)

Human Rights Resource Centre (St Petersburg, Russia)
$200,000 in support of a project to provide legal support to Russian NGOs and promote the professional growth of these organizations (over two years). (2008)

Independent Council of Legal Expertise (Moscow, Russia)
$800,000 to facilitate reform of the courts and law enforcement agencies and improve mechanisms for the protection of human rights in Russia; and to partially fund the purchase of office space (over three years). (2008)

Memorial Human Rights Center (Moscow, Russia)
$150,000 in support of the organization of seminars and publications aimed at legalization of forced migrants and their protection from the arbitrariness of law enforcement and judicial bodies (over one year). (2006)

Moscow Helsinki Group (Moscow, Russia)
$400,000 in support of a long-term strategy to strengthen the human rights movement in Russia through monitoring human rights and the development of a regional monitoring network (over two years). (2007)

(взято с http://nstarikov.ru/blog/3208 )

а что бы ещё больше усомниться в "работе" фонда послушаем, что говорили более-менее реальные люди об одном из отчётов этого фонда "Фонд «Общественное мнение»: СМИ не смогли сформировать позитивного отношения к ЕГЭ" : http://pedsovet.org/content/view/6609/339/

камменты рулят.
"Я заметила такое несоответствие в освещении ЕГЭ.
Самара и Самарская область(и не только) сдаёт все экзамены в форме ЕГЭ уже 7 лет.СМИ слегка упоминали об этом,кое-где и кое- как.Никто даже не замечал такого явления.И вот ЕГЭ стал обязательным для ВСЕХ (Москва и Санкт-Петербург)-и вот тут просто цунами-все заговорили ,заохали и т.д.
Да ничего нет страшного в этой форме экзамена .7 лет ребята сдавали,по баллам поступали.Значительно меньше стало поступать за деньги.А недостатки есть ,просто надо об этом говорить и СМИ не должны молчать ,иначе мы никогда ничего не исправим.А столицам нашим не надо было надеяться,что ЕГЭ отменят и просто готовить ребят к такой форме экзамена."

так что ... фонд фуфельный.

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