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Вот рекомендация из даташита на MAX6901 ( аналогично написано и у Далласа ):
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено Tim 19 сентября 2002 г. 10:53
В ответ на: как правильно кварц паять? отправлено kash 18 сентября 2002 г. 21:08

To eliminate unwanted noise pickup, design the PC board using these guidelines: place the crystal as close to X1 and X2 as possible
and keep the trace lengths short; place a guard ring around the crystal, X1 and X2 traces (where applicable), and connect the guard ring to GND; keep all signal traces away from beneath the crystal, X1, and X2. Finally, an additional local ground plane can be added under the crystal on an adjacent PC board layer. The plane should be isolated from the regular PC board ground plane, and tied to ground at the MAX6901 ground pin. Restrict the plane to be no larger than the
perimeter of the guard ring. Do not allow this ground plane to contribute significant capacitance between X1 and X2.

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