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- обработка данных с датчиков; ColdFire; 40 тыс.

Телесистемы | Электроника | Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»

Жди. Любой современный самолет против раптора - "You see nothing and then you die".

Отправлено Американецъ 14 марта 2009, г. 21:46
В ответ на: :-))) Что ж, ждём ОФИЦИАЛЬНОГО побития рекорда скорогрузоподъёмности СУ-32ФН, установленного в 10 лет назад.. :-)))) Да и вообще, с твоей же ссылки (+) отправлено пользователем Dr.Alex 14 марта 2009, г. 21:39

One of the biggest challenges today to training in an F-22 is getting someone to be your adversary. No one wants to play vs an airplane they can't see. They get no training of their own, and its tough on morale too. I've done my share of red air growing up in the F-15, and even when you were red air you still got decent training because you saw "blue" air on radar and were able to execute most of the same mechanics (radar work, radio chatter, intercept mechanics, thought processes, etc.), that you do when your blue air. You might have limited shot ranges and execute some red air tactic but it wasn't that different - and on the morale side, it's still pretty fun to be in the middle of that food fight. There was always the reward of getting a chance to get into blue air's chilli and cause chaos and get a kill or two. That just doesn't happen vs the Raptor, you see nothing and then you die, kind of takes the fun out of it and you don't get any return on the investment, so if I was a squadron commander, I'd be hard to convince that I want to train vs. a F-22 squadron."

"You see nothing and then you die". Kinda says it all. Earlier in the thread he had some posts about what it was like to fly a single F-22 against multiple F-15s and F-16s, sometimes against six at a time, amd how he could sneak up on them and kill them before any of them noticed anything, even when they knew what area of the training range he was starting out in.

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