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MPLAB IDE v8.15 is released and available at -->

Отправлено MBedder 21 октября 2008 г. 19:43

This release features these new functions:

* External Editor Support – External editors can be used now.
* Editor Brace/Bracket/Parenthesis/Quote Matching – Optional method to insert matching ‘C’ language delimiter character.
* Preserved Program Memory Data – Read a single range of data and overlay the current MPLAB IDE memory object image with the data. This allows the entire device to be bulk erased and programmed with no restrictions of device or device capabilities.
* Language Tool Path Storage in Project – Stores the path to the language tools to be used on a given project. Mainly to be used with alternate versions of MPLAB IDE and language tools in MPLAB Starter Kits.
* Drag and Drop in Project Sub-Folders – New project sub-folders paradigm.
* Trace Data Inverse Code Coverage – Identifies code not executed during a run.

For more information, see the v8.15 Release Notes.

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