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Есть AN696 - This code implements a brush-DC servomotor . (+)

Отправлено =L.A.= 20 августа 2008 г. 15:46
В ответ на: Не поделитесь исходником на Си (желательно PIC C18) управления индукционным 3 фазным двигателем? отправлено <font color=gray>Mike</font> 20 августа 2008 г. 14:44

// Software License Agreement
// The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated
// (the “Company”) for its PIC® Microcontroller is intended and
// supplied to you, the Company’s customer, for use solely and
// exclusively on Microchip PIC Microcontroller products. The
// software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is
// protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved.
// Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the
// user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to
// civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this
// license.
// File: 18motr2.c
// Written By: Stephen Bowling, Microchip Technology
// This code implements a brush-DC servomotor using the PIC18C452 MCU.
// The code was compiled using the MPLAB-C18 compliler ver. 1.10
// The device frequency should be 20 MHz.
// The following files should be included in the MPLAB project:
// 18motr2.c -- Main source code file
// p18c452.lkr -- Linker script file
// The following project files are included by the linker script:
// c018i.o -- C startup code
// clib.lib -- Math and function libraries
// p18c452.lib -- Processor library
// Revision History
// 2/15/02 -- PID compensator calculation modified to support
// V2.00 of the MPLAB C-18 compiler.
// PID integral is now 32-bits to prevent integral overflow.

#include <p18c452.h> // Register definitions
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <i2c.h> // I2C library functions
#include <pwm.h> // PWM library functions
#include <adc.h> // ADC library functions
#include <portb.h> // PORTB library function
#include <timers.h> // Timer library functions

//Constant Definitions

#define DIST 0 // Array index for segment distance
#define VEL 1 // Array index for segment vel. limit
#define ACCEL 2 // Array index for segment accel.
#define TIME 3 // Array index for segment delay time
#define INDEX PORTBbits.RB0 // Input for encoder index pulse
#define NLIM PORTBbits.RB1 // Input for negative limit switch
#define PLIM PORTBbits.RB2 // Input for positive limit switch
#define GPI PORTBbits.RB3 // General purpose input
#define MODE1 !PORTBbits.RB4 // DIP switch #1
#define MODE2 !PORTBbits.RB5 // DIP switch #2
#define MODE3 !PORTBbits.RB6 // DIP switch #3
#define MODE4 !PORTBbits.RB7 // DIP switch #4
#define SPULSE PORTCbits.RC5 // Software timing pulse output
#define ADRES ADRESH // Redefine for 10-bit A/D converter

// Variable declarations

const rom char ready[] = "\n\rREADY>";
const rom char badcmd[] = "\n\rERROR!";

char inpbuf[8]; // Input command buffer

unsigned char
eeadr, // Pointer to EEPROM address
firstseg, // First segment of motion profile
lastseg, // Last segment of motion profile
segnum, // Current executing segment
parameter, // Index to profile data
i, // index to ASCII buffer
comcount, // index to input string
udata // Received character from USART

struct { // Holds status bits for servo
unsigned phase:1; // Current phase of motion profile
unsigned neg_move:1; // Backwards relative move
unsigned motion:1; // Segment execution in progress
unsigned saturated:1; // PWM output is saturated
unsigned bit4:1;
unsigned bit5:1;
unsigned run:1; // Enables execution of profile
unsigned loop:1; // Executes profile repeatedly
} stat ;

dtime, // Motion segment delay time
kp,ki,kd, // PID gain constants
vlim, // Velocity limit for segment
mvelocity, // Measured motor velocity
DnCount, // Holds accumulated 'up' pulses
UpCount // Holds accumulated 'down' pulses

union LNG
long l;
unsigned long ul;
int i[2];
unsigned int ui[2];
char b[4];
unsigned char ub[4];

union LNG
temp, // Temporary storage
accel, // Segment acceleration value
error, // PID error value
integral, // PID integral value
ypid, // Holds output of PID calculation
velact, // Current commanded velocity
phase1dist // Half of segment distance

position, // Commanded position.
mposition, // Actual measured position.
fposition, // Originally commanded position.
flatcount; // Holds the number of sample periods for which
// the velocity limit was reached in the first
// half of the move.

#pragma udata segdata1 = 0x0100

int segment1[12][4]; // Holds motion segment values in data memory.
int segment2[12][4]; // "

#pragma udata

// Function Prototypes

void servo_isr(void); // Does servo calculations
void isrhandler(void); // Located at high interrupt vector

void DoCommand(void); // Processes command input strings
void Setup(void); // Configures peripherals and variables
void UpdPos(void); // Gets new measured position for motor
void CalcError(void); // Calculates position error
void CalcPID(void); // Calculates new PWM duty cycle
void UpdTraj(void); // Calculates new commanded position
void SetupMove(void); // Gets new parameters for motion profile

// Writes a string from ROM to the USART
void putrsUSART(const rom char *data);

// ExtEEWrite and ExtEERead are used to read or write an integer value to the
// 24C01 EEPROM

void ExtEEWrite(unsigned char address, int data);
int ExtEERead(unsigned char address);

// Interrupt Code

// Designate servo_isr as an interrupt function and save key registers

#pragma interrupt servo_isr save = PRODL,PRODH,temp

// Locate ISR handler code at interrupt vector

#pragma code isrcode=0x0008

void isrhandler(void) // This function directs execution to the
{ // actual interrupt code
goto servo_isr

#pragma code

// servo_isr()
// Performs the servo calculations

void servo_isr(void)
SPULSE = 1; // Toggle output pin for ISR code
// timing
UpdTraj(); // Get new commanded position
UpdPos(); // Get new measured position
CalcError(); // Calculate new position error

PIR1bits.TMR2IF = 0; // Clear Timer2 Interrupt Flag.

SPULSE = 0; // Toggle output pin for ISR code
} // timing

// UpdTraj()
// Computes the next required value for the next commanded motor
// position based on the current motion profile variables. Trapezoidal
// motion profiles are produced.

void UpdTraj(void)

if(stat.motion && !stat.saturated)
if(!stat.phase) // If in the first half of the move.
if(velact.ui[1] < vlim) // If still below the velocity limit
velact.ul += accel.ul; // Accelerate

else // If velocity limit has been reached,
flatcount++; // increment flatcount.

temp.ul = velact.ul; // Put velocity value into temp
// and round to 16 bits
if(velact.ui[0] == 0x8000)
if(!(velact.ub[2] & 0x01))

if(velact.ui[0] > 0x8000) temp.ui[1]++;

phase1dist.ul -= (unsigned long)temp.ui[1];

position -= (unsigned long)temp.ui[1];
position += (unsigned long)temp.ui[1];

if(phase1dist.l <= 0) // If phase1dist is negative
// first half of the move has
stat.phase = 1; // completed.

else // If in the second half of the move,
{ // Decrement flatcount if not 0.
if(flatcount) flatcount--;

if(velact.ul) // If commanded velocity not 0,
velact.ul -= accel.ul; // Decelerate

if(velact.i[1] < 0)
velact.l = 0;

else // else
if(dtime) dtime--; // Decrement delay time if not 0.
stat.motion = 0; // Move is done, clear motion flag
position = fposition;

temp.ul = velact.ul; // Put velocity value into temp
// and round to 16 bits
if(velact.ui[0] == 0x8000)
if(!(velact.ub[2] & 0x01))


if(velact.ui[0] > 0x8000) temp.ui[1]++;

if(stat.neg_move) // Update commanded position
position -= (unsigned long)temp.ui[1];
position += (unsigned long)temp.ui[1];

} // END if (stat.motion)

if(stat.run && !stat.motion) // If motion stopped and profile
{ // running, get next segment number
if(segnum < firstseg) segnum = firstseg;
if(segnum > lastseg)
segnum = firstseg; // Clear run flag if loop flag not set.
if(!stat.loop) stat.run = 0;
SetupMove(); // Get data for next motion segment.
segnum++; // Increment segment number.

// SetupMove()
// Gets data for next motion segment to be executed

void SetupMove(void)
if(segnum < 12) // Get profile segment data from
{ // data memory.
phase1dist.i[0] = segment1[segnum][DIST];
vlim = segment1[segnum][VEL];
accel.i[0] = segment1[segnum][ACCEL];
dtime = segment1[segnum][TIME];
else if(segnum < 24)
phase1dist.i[0] = segment2[segnum - 12][DIST];
vlim = segment2[segnum - 12][VEL];
accel.i[0] = segment2[segnum - 12][ACCEL];
dtime = segment2[segnum - 12][TIME];

phase1dist.b[2] = phase1dist.b[1]; // Rotate phase1dist one byte
phase1dist.b[1] = phase1dist.b[0]; // to the left.
phase1dist.b[0] = 0;
if(phase1dist.b[2] & 0x80) // Sign-extend value
phase1dist.b[3] = 0xff;
phase1dist.b[3] = 0;

accel.b[3] = 0; // Rotate accel one byte to
accel.b[2] = accel.b[1]; // the left
accel.b[1] = accel.b[0];
accel.b[0] = 0;

temp.l = position;

if(temp.ub[0] > 0x7f) // A fractional value is left
temp.l += 0x100; // over in the 8 LSbits of
temp.ub[0] = 0; // position, so round position
// variable to an integer value
position = temp.l; // before computing final move
// position.
fposition = position + phase1dist.l; // Compute final position for
// the move
if(phase1dist.b[3] & 0x80) // If the move is negative,
stat.neg_move = 1; // Set flag to indicate negative
phase1dist.l = -phase1dist.l; // move.
else stat.neg_move = 0; // Clear flag for positive move

phase1dist.l >>= 1; // phase1dist holds total
// move distance, so divide by 2
velact.l = 0; // Clear commanded velocity
flatcount = 0; // Clear flatcount
stat.phase = 0; // Clear flag:first half of move
if(accel.l && vlim)
stat.motion = 1; // Enable motion

// UpdPos()
// Gets the new measured position of the motor based on values
// accumulated in Timer0 and Timer1

void UpdPos(void)
// Old timer values are presently stored in UpCount and DnCount, so
// add them into result now.

mvelocity = DnCount;
mvelocity -= UpCount;

// Write new timer values into UpCount and DnCount variables.

UpCount = ReadTimer0();
DnCount = ReadTimer1();

// Add new count values into result.

mvelocity += UpCount;
mvelocity -= DnCount;

// Add measured velocity to measured position to get new motor
// measured position.

mposition += (long)mvelocity << 8;

// CalcError()
// Calculates position error and limits to 16 bit result

void CalcError(void)
temp.l = position; // Put commanded pos. in temp
temp.b[0] = 0; // Mask out fractional bits
error.l = temp.l - mposition; // Get error
error.b[0] = error.b[1]; // from desired position and
error.b[1] = error.b[2]; // shift to the right to discard
error.b[2] = error.b[3]; // lower 8 bits.

if (error.b[2] & 0x80) // If error is negative.
error.b[3] = 0xff; // Sign-extend to 32 bits.

if(error.l < -32768)
error.l = -32768; // Limit error to 16-bits.

else // If error is positive.
error.b[3] = 0x00;

if(error.l > 32767)
error.l = 32767; // Limit error to 16-bits.

// CalcPID()
// Calculates PID compensator algorithm and determines new value for
// PWM duty cycle

void CalcPID(void)
if(!stat.saturated) // If output is not saturated,
integral.l += error.l; // modify the integral value.

// Calculate the PID compensator.

ypid.l = (long)error.i[0]*(long)kp + integral.l*(long)ki +

if(ypid.ub[3] & 0x80) // If PID result is negative
if((ypid.ub[3] < 0xff) || !(ypid.ub[2] & 0x80))
ypid.ul = 0xff800000; // Limit result to 24-bit value

else // If PID result is positive
if(ypid.ub[3] || (ypid.ub[2] > 0x7f))
ypid.ul = 0x007fffff; // Limit result to 24-bit value

ypid.b[0] = ypid.b[1]; // Shift PID result right to
ypid.b[1] = ypid.b[2]; // get upper 16 bits.

stat.saturated = 0; // Clear saturation flag and see
if(ypid.i[0] > 500) // if present duty cycle output
{ // exceeds limits.
ypid.i[0] = 500;
stat.saturated = 1;

if(ypid.i[0] < -500)
ypid.i[0] = -500;
stat.saturated = 1;

ypid.i[0] += 512; // Add offset to get positive
// duty cycle value.

SetDCPWM1(ypid.i[0]); // Write the new duty cycle.

// Setup() initializes program variables and peripheral registers

void Setup(void)
firstseg = 0; // Initialize motion segment
lastseg = 0; // variables
segnum = 0;
parameter = 0; // Motion segment parameter#
i = 0; // Receive buffer index
comcount = 0; // Input command index
udata = 0; // Holds USART received data

stat.phase = 0; // Set flags to 0.
stat.saturated = 0;
stat.motion = 0;
stat.run = 0;
stat.loop = 0;
stat.neg_move = 0;
dtime = 0;
integral.l = 0;
vlim = 0;
mvelocity = 0;
DnCount = 0;
UpCount = 0;
temp.l = 0;
accel.l = 0;
error.l = 0;
ypid.l = 0;
velact.l = 0;
phase1dist.l = 0;
position = 0;
mposition = 0;
fposition = 0;
flatcount = 0;
udata = 0;
memset(inpbuf,0,8); // clear the input buffer

// Setup A/D converter

OpenPWM1(0xff); // Setup Timer2, CCP1 to provide
// 19.53 Khz PWM @ 20MHz

OpenTimer2(T2_PS_1_1 & T2_POST_1_10 & TIMER_INT_ON);

SetDCPWM1(512); // 50% initial duty cycle

EnablePullups(); // Enable PORTB pullups
PORTC = 0; // Clear PORTC
PORTD = 0; // Clear PORTD
PORTE = 0x00; // Clear PORTD
TRISC = 0xdb; //
TRISD = 0; // PORTD all outputs.
TRISE = 0; // PORTE all outputs.

// Setup the USART for 19200 baud @ 20MHz

SPBRG = 15; // 19200 baud @ 20MHz
TXSTA = 0x20; // setup USART transmit
RCSTA = 0x90; // setup USART receive

putrsUSART("\r\nPIC18C452 DC Servomotor");

OpenI2C(MASTER,SLEW_OFF); // Setup MSSP for master I2C
SSPADD = 49; // 100KHz @ 20MHz

kp = ExtEERead(122); // Get PID gain constants
ki = 0; // from data EEPROM
kd = ExtEERead(126);

TMR0L = 0; // Clear timers.
TMR0H = 0;
TMR1L = 0;
TMR1H = 0;

T0_SOURCE_EXT & T0_PS_1_1);
& T1_PS_1_1 & T1_SYNC_EXT_ON & T1_OSC1EN_OFF );

// Load motion profile data for segments 1 through 12 from
// data EEPROM

for(segnum=0;segnum < 12;segnum++)
for(parameter=0;parameter < 4;parameter++)
eeadr = (segnum << 3) + (parameter << 1);
segment1[segnum][parameter] = ExtEERead(eeadr);

segment2[0][DIST] = 29500; // Motion profile data for segments
segment2[0][VEL] = 4096; // 13 through 24 are loaded into RAM
segment2[0][ACCEL] = 2048; // from program memory
segment2[0][TIME] = 1200;

segment2[1][DIST] = -29500;
segment2[1][VEL] = 1024;
segment2[1][ACCEL] = 512;
segment2[1][TIME] = 1200;

segment2[2][DIST] = 737;
segment2[2][VEL] = 4096;
segment2[2][ACCEL] = 2048;
segment2[2][TIME] = 1200;

segment2[3][DIST] = 737;
segment2[3][VEL] = 4096;
segment2[3][ACCEL] = 2048;
segment2[3][TIME] = 1200;

segment2[4][DIST] = 738;
segment2[4][VEL] = 4096;
segment2[4][ACCEL] = 2048;
segment2[4][TIME] = 1200;

segment2[5][DIST] = 738;
segment2[5][VEL] = 4096;
segment2[5][ACCEL] = 2048;
segment2[5][TIME] = 1200;

segment2[6][DIST] = -2950;
segment2[6][VEL] = 1024;
segment2[6][ACCEL] = 128;
segment2[6][TIME] = 1200;

segment2[7][DIST] = 2950;
segment2[7][VEL] = 256;
segment2[7][ACCEL] = 64;
segment2[7][TIME] = 1200;

segment2[8][DIST] = -2950;
segment2[8][VEL] = 4096;
segment2[8][ACCEL] = 512;
segment2[8][TIME] = 1200;

segment2[9][DIST] = 29500;
segment2[9][VEL] = 1024;
segment2[9][ACCEL] = 512;
segment2[9][TIME] = 1200;

segment2[10][DIST] = 29500;
segment2[10][VEL] = 2048;
segment2[10][ACCEL] = 512;
segment2[10][TIME] = 1200;

segment2[11][DIST] = 29500;
segment2[11][VEL] = 4096;
segment2[11][ACCEL] = 1024;
segment2[11][TIME] = 1200;

if(MODE1) // Check DIP switches at powerup
stat.loop = 1; // If SW1 is on, set for loop mode

if(MODE2) // If SW2 is on, execute
{ // segments 12 and 13
firstseg = 12;
lastseg = 13;
segnum = 12;
stat.run = 1;
else if(MODE3) // If SW3 is on, execute
{ // segments 14 through 18
firstseg = 14;
lastseg = 18;
segnum = 14;
stat.run = 1;
else if(MODE4) // If SW4 is on, execute
{ // segments 18 and 19
firstseg = 18;
lastseg = 19;
segnum = 18;
stat.run = 1;

INTCONbits.PEIE = 1; // Enable peripheral interrupts
INTCONbits.GIE = 1; // Enable all interrupts

// main()

void main(void)
Setup(); // Setup peripherals and software
// variables.

while(1) // Loop forever
ClrWdt(); // Clear the WDT

ConvertADC(); // Start an A/D conversion
while(BusyADC()); // Wait for the conversion to complete
PORTD = 0; // Clear the LED bargraph display.
PORTE &= 0x04; // "

if(ADRES > 225)
PORTE |= 0x03; // Turn on 10 LEDS
PORTD = 0xff;
if(ADRES > 200)
PORTE |= 0x01; // Turn on 9 LEDS
PORTD = 0xff;
else if(ADRES > 175) PORTD = 0xff; // Turn on 8 LEDS
else if(ADRES > 150) PORTD = 0x7f; // 7 LEDS
else if(ADRES > 125) PORTD = 0x3f; // 6 LEDS
else if(ADRES > 100) PORTD = 0x1f; // 5 LEDS
else if(ADRES > 75) PORTD = 0x0f; // 4 LEDS
else if(ADRES > 50) PORTD = 0x07; // 3 LEDS
else if(ADRES > 25) PORTD = 0x03; // 2 LEDS
else if(ADRES > 0) PORTD = 0x01; // 1 LED

if(PIR1bits.RCIF) // Check for USART interrupt
switch(udata = RCREG)
case ',': DoCommand(); // process the string
memset(inpbuf,0,8); // clear the input buffer
i = 0; // clear the buffer index
comcount++; // increment comma count
TXREG = udata; // echo the character

case 0x0d: DoCommand(); // process the string
memset(inpbuf,0,8); // clear the input buffer
i = 0; // clear the buffer index
comcount = 0; // clear comma count
segnum = 0; // clear segment number
parameter = 0; // clear paramater
putrsUSART(ready); // put prompt to USART

default: inpbuf[i] = udata; // get received char
i++; // increment buffer index
if(i > 7) // If more than 8 chars
{ // received before getting
putrsUSART(ready); // a <CR>, clear input
memset(inpbuf,0,8); // buffer
i = 0; // the buffer index
else TXREG = udata; // echo character
break; //

} //end switch(udata)

} //end if(RCIF)
} //end while(1)

// DoCommand()
// Processes incoming USART data.

void DoCommand(void)
if(comcount == 0) // If this is the first parameter of the input
{ // command...
case 'X': parameter = DIST; // Segment distance change

case 'V': parameter = VEL; // Segment velocity change

case 'A': parameter = ACCEL; // Segment acceleration change

case 'T': parameter = TIME; // Segment delay time change

case 'P': parameter = 'P'; // Change proportional gain

case 'I': parameter = 'I'; // Change integral gain

case 'D': parameter = 'D'; // Change differential gain

case 'L': parameter = 'L'; // Loop a range of segments

case 'S': stat.run = 0; // Stop execution of segments

case 'G': parameter = 'G'; // Execute a range of segments

case 'W': if(PORTEbits.RE2) // Enable or disable motor
{ // driver IC
putrsUSART("\r\nPWM On");
PORTEbits.RE2 = 0;
putrsUSART("\r\nPWM Off");
PORTEbits.RE2 = 1;

default: if(inpbuf[0] != '\0')


else if(comcount == 1) // If this is the second parameter of the
{ // input command.
if(parameter < 4) segnum = atob(inpbuf);
case 'P': kp = atoi(inpbuf); // proportional gain change
ExtEEWrite(122, kp); // Store value in EEPROM

case 'I': ki = atoi(inpbuf); // integral gain change
ExtEEWrite(124, ki); // Store value in EEPROM

case 'D': kd = atoi(inpbuf); // differential gain change
ExtEEWrite(126, kd); // Store value in EEPROM

case 'G': firstseg = atob(inpbuf);
// Get the first segment in
// the range to be executed.

case 'L': firstseg = atob(inpbuf);

default: break;

else if(comcount == 2)
if(!stat.run) // If no profile is executing
if(parameter < 4) // If this was a segment parameter
{ // change.
if(segnum < 12)
// Write the segment paramater into data memory
segment1[segnum][parameter] = atoi(inpbuf);
// Compute EEPROM address and write data to EEPROM
eeadr = (segnum << 3) + (parameter << 1);
ExtEEWrite(eeadr, segment1[segnum][parameter]);

else if(segnum < 24)
// Write segment parameter data into data memory
segment2[segnum - 12][parameter] = atoi(inpbuf);
else switch(parameter)
case 'G': lastseg = atob(inpbuf); // Get value for
segnum = firstseg; // last segment.
stat.loop = 0;
stat.run = 1; // Start profile.

case 'L': lastseg = atob(inpbuf); // Get value for
segnum = firstseg; // last segment.
stat.loop = 1; // Enable looping
stat.run = 1; // Start profile

default: break;

// ExtEEWrite()
// Writes an integer value to an EEPROM connected to the I2C bus at
// the specified location.

void ExtEEWrite(unsigned char address, int data)
char b[2];
int i;

char error, retry;

temp.i = data;
error = 0;

retry = 10; // Poll the EEPROM up to 10 times
error = EEAckPolling(0xA0);
} while(error && retry > 0);

retry = 10; // Attempt to write low byte of data
do // up to 10 times
error = EEByteWrite(0xA0, address, temp.b[0]);
} while(error && retry > 0);

retry = 10; // Poll the EEPROM up to 10 times
error = EEAckPolling(0xA0);
} while(error && retry > 0);

retry = 10; // Attempt to write high byte of data
do // up to 10 times
error = EEByteWrite(0xA0, address + 1, temp.b[1]);
} while(error && retry > 0);


// ExtEEWrite()
// Reads an integer value from an EEPROM connected to the I2C bus at
// the specified location.

int ExtEERead(unsigned char address)
char b[2];
int i;

char b[2];
int i;

char retry;

retry = 10; // Attempt to read low byte of data
do // up to 10 times
temp.i = EERandomRead(0xA0, address);
} while(temp.b[1] && retry > 0);

if(temp.b[1]) data.b[0] = 0; // Make read result 0 if error
else data.b[0] = temp.b[0]; // Otherwise get the low byte of data

retry = 10; // Attempt to read high byte of data
do // up to 10 times
temp.i = EERandomRead(0xA0, address + 1);
} while(temp.b[1] && retry > 0);

if(temp.b[1]) data.b[1] = 0; // Make read result 0 if error
else data.b[1] = temp.b[0]; // Otherwise get the high byte of data

return data.i;

// putrsUSART()
// Writes a string of characters in program memory to the USART

void putrsUSART(const rom char *data)
while(!(TXSTA & 0x02));
TXREG = *data;
} while( *data++ );


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