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Требуется программист в Зеленограде
- обработка данных с датчиков; ColdFire; 40 тыс.

Телесистемы | Электроника | Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»

У вас же там простые предложения без всяких наворотов. ИМХО переведите как получится, а далее только баги будете исправлять и все. (унутри перевод от mail.ru)

Отправлено eXeC001er 29 ноября 2007 г. 14:12
В ответ на: Есть ли у кого желание в порядке помощи перевести страницу с руского на английский страницу текста? отправлено misyachniy 29 ноября 2007 г. 14:02

Whether A замахнуться to us on William Shakespeare?:-)
instead of whether to repeat to us USB ByteBlaster?
Schemes has found in the Internet.
The information on INF to a file too.
After it has created altera.ept for программатора MPprog.
Has drawn to a scarf in format PCAD2002 and has made.
Has stitched EEPROM a file altera.ept.
Has written the auxiliary program on Delphi. Which takes дизассемблированый file DLL in a format alf сгенерированый WDASM. Will transform it to text file DPR which it is possible to compile by means of DELPHi in DLL. Having finished сгенеренный I have received the text следилку for FTD2XX.DLL. Native DLL нужне to rename in _FTD2XX.DLL and near to it to put "another's" At start another's conducts a broad gully ' c: \mylog.txt ' and broadcasts inquiries/answers for Quartus. Quartus by a call программатора began to think long. On a broad gully it was visible, that waits data from USB Blaster-a. Has written on Verilog firmware "latch" which accepts byte from FT245 and returns it back in the buffer. Quartus 4.2 has recognized as native and allows to press a key to program:-) the Example of a broad gully of detecting. Продвигатся stirs absence actually "guinea pig" and that WDASM does not wish to debug Quartus further. I cannot look, that expects to receive from USBBlaster-a программатор. If who нибудь has a desire to help in съеме broad gully of detecting and-or programming of chips - write. The help in search of a debugger also will not prevent.

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