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- обработка данных с датчиков; ColdFire; 40 тыс.

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Есть вот такая хитрая генерилка

Отправлено =AVR= 09 августа 2007 г. 11:19
В ответ на: Вычисление значения функции sin(x)...(+) отправлено <font color=gray>igorenja</font> 09 августа 2007 г. 08:31

;Fast, Continuous, Sine GeneratorFast, Continuous, Sine Generator
;Alex Boudreau – Ph.D. – junior eng.
;Director of DSP department
;Soft dB inc.

;Bruno Paillard - Ph.D. - eng.
;Director of Research and Development
;D-Box Technology

; Sine generator
; (Developed and tested on a TMS320C5402 DSP)
; This function generates successive samples of a sine wave. The sine wave
; is generated with an amplitude of 1 in Q15 representation.
; - Inputs:
; - Cre: Static variable that contains the present value of the
; real part of the rotating vector. Cre must be
; initialized to 1 (0x7FFF) before the first call of the
; function.
; Cre must be pointed to by AR2 before the call.
; - Cim: Static variable that contains the present value of the
; imaginary part of the rotating vector. Cim must be
; initialized to 0 before the first call of the function.
; Cim must be pointed to by AR3 before the call.
; - Dre: Static variable that contains the real part of the
; increment vector. Dre/Dim must be initialized with
; values such that (Dre^2 + Dim^2) = 1
; Dre must be pointed to by AR4 before the call.
; - Dim: Static variable that contains the imaginary part of the
; increment vector. Dre/Dim must be initialized with
; values such that (Dre^2 + Dim^2) = 1
; Dim must be pointed to by AR5 before the call.
; - Outputs:
; - Cre: After the call, Cre contains the updated real part of
; the rotating vector. It is the next sine sample.
; - Cim: After the call, Cim contains the updated imaginary part
; of the rotating vector. It is the next cosine sample.
; Execution time: 32 cycles
; Written December 21 2001 by:
; Alex Boudreau, Bruno Paillard

.width 80
.length 55
.title "asm_sine"
; Context save
; « C » register protection rules are used, so only ST1 is protected

pshm ST1
; Set DSP mode:
; SXM = 1
; OVM = 1
; FRCT = 1
; CPL = 1

orm #0100001101000000b,*(ST1)
; Reserve 2 words on the stack:
; SP(0) assigned to Raw_Cre (Cre value before normalization)
; SP(1) assigned to Raw_Cim (Cim value before normalization)

frame -2
; Calculate Raw_Cre

mpy *ar2,*ar4,a ; a = Cre * Dre
masr *ar3,*ar5,a,a ; a = rnd(a - Cim * Dim)
sth a,*sp(0) ; Raw_Cre = ah
; Calculate Raw_Cim

mpy *ar4,*ar3,b ; b = Dre * Cim
macr *ar2,*ar5,b,b ; b = rnd(b + Cre * Dim)
sth b,*sp(1) ; Raw_Cim = bh
; Calculate amplitude correction factor
; (1 - (Raw_Cre^2 + Raw_Cim^2))/2

ld #0x7FFF,16,a ; initialize a with 1 in Q31.
squrs *sp(0),a ; a = a - Raw_Cre^2
squrs *sp(1),a ; a = a - Raw_Cim^2
add #1,15,a,a ; rnd a
sfta a,-1,a ; a = a/2
; Update Cre and Cim using correction factor in A
; Cre = Cre (1 + (1 - (Raw_Cre^2 + Raw_Cim^2))/2)
; Cre = Cre + Cre x A
; Cim = Cim (1 + (1 - (Raw_Cre^2 + Raw_Cim^2))/2)
; Cim = Cim + Cim * A

ld *sp(1),T ; Cim -> T
; Cim is already in b
macar T,b,b ; b = rnd(Cim + ah * Cim)
sth b,*ar3 ; bh -> Cim

ld *sp(0),T ; Cre -> T
ld *sp(0),16,b ; Cre -> bh
macar T,b,b ; b = rnd(Cre + ah * Cre)
sth b,*ar2 ; bh -> Cre
; Flushes 2 automatic variable reserved on the stack

frame 2
; Context restore

popm ST1



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