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Требуется программист в Зеленограде
- обработка данных с датчиков; ColdFire; 40 тыс.

Телесистемы | Электроника | Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»


Отправлено m16 31 мая 2007 г. 15:29
В ответ на: Это для работы с DataFlash? отправлено Лунь 31 мая 2007 г. 13:53

DataFlash Software Suite

Time to Market is a Key factor in today’s competitive environment and system designers want a

“ready made” solution to reduce software development time. The DataFlash Software Suite

was developed to meet these requirements and to help designers to immediately commence the

software development for applications using DataFlash, and in turn allowing the software team

to concentrate on the more application specific and specialist sub-routines.

The DataFlash Software Suite (DFSS) provides extensive plug and play software solutions:

• Basic drivers for all DataFlash functions

• Flash file system (FAT12 and FAT16 based)

• Error detection and correction

• Wear leveling and Auto Page Rewrite routines

• Compression and decompression

All code is written in C.

Software and Manuals (Soft Copy) Provided Free of Charge.

How can I get the DFSS – DataFlash Software Suite?

The customer must sign an Atmel Software License Agreement (SLA) distributed by Atmel sales

and distribution channels. Once signed please return the signed original to one of the addresses

mentioned below. To speed up it’s possible to send a signed copy by fax or email.

For Central Europe please send the original and the copy either to

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