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RC5 Ребята срочно посмотрите на этот исходник! Кто может помочь???

Отправлено landik 27 декабря 2006 г. 23:51

Други!!! Кто может перегнать этот код в формат CodeVision
Это полностью рабочий код приёмника RC5 - проверенно!
Очень нужно для CodeVision.
Пожалуйста кто может помогите...
Скиньте ответ на мыло sta_port@rambler.ru

.include "C:\Avrtools\appnotes\2313def.inc"
.device AT90S1200
.equ INPUT =0 ;PD2
.equ SYS_ADDR =0 ;The system address

.def S =R0
.def inttemp =R1
.def ref1 =R2
.def ref2 =R3

.def temp =R16

.def timerL =R17
.def timerH =R16

.def system =R19
.def command =R20

.def bitcnt =R21

.org 0
rjmp reset

.org OVF0addr
TIM0_OVF: in S,sreg
inc timerL ;Updated every 64us
inc inttemp
brne TIM0_exit

inc timerH

TIM0_exit: out sreg,S

ldi temp,0b00000001 ;Timer/Counter 0 clocked at CK
out TCCR0,temp

ldi temp,1< out TIMSK,temp

ldi temp,0b11111111 ;PORTB as output
out DDRB,temp

sei ;Enable gobal iterrupt

main: rcall detect ;Call RC5 detect routine

cpi system,SYS_ADDR ;Respponds only at the specified address
brne release

andi command,0x3F ;Remove control bit
out PORTB,command

rjmp main

release: clr command ;Clear PORTB
out PORTB,command
rjmp main

detect: clr inttemp
clr timerH

detect1: clr timerL

detect2: cpi timerH,8 ;If line not idle within 131ms
brlo dl1
rjmp fault ; then exit

dl1: cpi timerL,55 ;If line low for 3.5ms
brge start1 ; then wait for start bit

sbis PIND,INPUT ;If line is
rjmp detect1 ; low - jump to detect1
rjmp detect2 ; high - jump to detect2

start1: cpi timerH,8 ;If no start bit detected
brge fault ;within 130ms then exit

sbic PIND,INPUT ;Wait for start bit
rjmp start1

clr timerL ;Measure length of start bit

start2: cpi timerL,17 ;If startbit longer than 1.1ms,
brge fault ; exit

rjmp start2
;Positive edge of 1st start bit

mov temp,timerL ;timer is 1/2 bit time
clr timerL

mov ref1,temp
lsr ref1
mov ref2,ref1
add ref1,temp ;ref1 = 3/4 bit time
lsl temp
add ref2,temp ;ref2 = 5/4 bit time

start3: cp timerL,ref1 ;If high periode St2 > 3/4 bit time
brge fault ; exit

sbic PIND,INPUT ;Wait for falling edge start bit 2
rjmp start3

clr timerL
ldi bitcnt,12 ;Receive 12 bits
clr command
clr system

sample: cp timerL,ref1 ;Sample INPUT at 1/4 bit time
brlo sample

rjmp bit_is_a_1 ;Jump if line high

bit_is_a_0: clc ;Store a '0'
rol command
rol system

;Synchronize timing
bit_is_a_0a: cp timerL,ref2 ;If no edge within 3/4 bit time
brge fault ; exit
sbis PIND,INPUT ;Wait for rising edge
rjmp bit_is_a_0a ;in the middle of the bit

clr timerL
rjmp nextbit

bit_is_a_1: sec ;Store a '1'
rol command
rol system
;Synchronize timing
bit_is_a_1a: cp timerL,ref2 ;If no edge within 3/4 bit time
brge fault ; exit
sbic PIND,INPUT ;Wait for falling edge
rjmp bit_is_a_1a ;in the middle of the bit

clr timerL

nextbit: dec bitcnt ;If bitcnt > 0
brne sample ; get next bit

mov temp,command ;Place system bits in "system"
rol temp
rol system
rol temp
rol system

bst system,5 ;Move toggle bit
bld command,6 ;to "command"

;Clear remaining bits
andi command,0b01111111
andi system,0x1F


fault: ser command ;Both "command" and "system"
ser system ;0xFF indicates failure

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