[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Имел туже пробему с 2132 решил так для 48 нужно в xcl изменить размер памяти и флеши (+)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено F8 09 ноября 2006 г. 11:45
В ответ на: IAR 4.31A отправлено <font color=gray>ubobrov</font> 09 ноября 2006 г. 11:35

Имел туже фигню, решил так
Файл cstartup,s79

; This file contains the startup code used by the ICCARM C compiler.
; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
; a user defined start symbol.
; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
; version to the workbench project.
; All code in the modules (except ?RESET) will be placed in the ICODE segment.
; $Revision: 1.55 $

; Naming covention of labels in this file:
; ?xxx - External labels only accessed from assembler.
; __xxx - External labels accessed from or defined in C.
; xxx - Labels local to one module (note: this file contains
; several modules).
; main - The starting point of the user program.

; Macros and definitions for the whole file

; Mode, correspords to bits 0-5 in CPSR
MODE_BITS DEFINE 0x1F ; Bit mask for mode bits in CPSR
USR_MODE DEFINE 0x10 ; User mode
FIQ_MODE DEFINE 0x11 ; Fast Interrupt Request mode
IRQ_MODE DEFINE 0x12 ; Interrupt Request mode
SVC_MODE DEFINE 0x13 ; Supervisor mode
ABT_MODE DEFINE 0x17 ; Abort mode
UND_MODE DEFINE 0x1B ; Undefined Instruction mode
SYS_MODE DEFINE 0x1F ; System mode

; Reset Vector.
; Normally, segment INTVEC is linked at address 0.
; For debugging purposes, INTVEC may be placed at other
; addresses.
; A debugger that honors the entry point will start the
; program in a normal way even if INTVEC is not at address 0.

PUBLIC __program_start
EXTERN ?cstartup
EXTERN undef_handler, swi_handler, prefetch_handler
EXTERN data_handler, irq_handler, fiq_handler

CODE32 ; Always ARM mode after reset
org 0x00
ldr pc,[pc,#24] ; Absolute jump can reach 4 GByte
; ldr b,?cstartup ; Relative branch allows remap, limited to 32 MByte
; Vectors can be enabled by removing the comments below or by
; using #pragma vector from C code.
org 0x04
ldr pc,[pc,#24] ; Branch to undef_handler
org 0x08
ldr pc,[pc,#24] ; Branch to swi_handler
org 0x0c
ldr pc,[pc,#24] ; Branch to prefetch_handler
org 0x10
ldr pc,[pc,#24] ; Branch to data_handler
org 0x18
ldr pc,[pc,#24] ; Branch to irq_handler
org 0x1c
ldr pc,[pc,#24] ; Branch to fiq_handler

; Constant table entries (for ldr pc) will be placed at 0x20
; Exception vectors can be specified in C code by #pragma vector or by filling
; in the vectors below. The vector address is the ARM
//при переходе в неиспользуемый режим перехожу на ?cstartup
vector number + 0x20.
org 0x20
dc32 ?cstartup
org 0x24
dc32 ?cstartup
org 0x28
dc32 ?cstartup
org 0x2c
dc32 ?cstartup
org 0x30
dc32 ?cstartup
org 0x38
dc32 irq_handler
org 0x3c
; dc32 fiq_handler
; ENDMOD __program_start


PUBLIC ?cstartup
EXTERN ?main
EXTERN sysinit
; Execution starts here.
; After a reset, the mode is ARM, Supervisor, interrupts disabled.


; Add initialization nedded before setup of stackpointers here

; Initialize the stack pointers.
; The pattern below can be used for any of the exception stacks:
; The USR mode uses the same stack as SYS.
; The stack segments must be defined in the linker command file,
; and be declared above.
#if COPY_VECTOR == 1
//Копирование векторов прерываний в установках ассмблера
// preprocessor -> COPY_VECTOR=1

LDR R1,=0x40000000
LDR R2,=0x1000

MOV R3,#+0
B ??CopyIRQvector_2

LDR R12,[R2], #+0x4
STR R12,[R1], #+0x4

ADD R3,R3,#+0x4
CMP R3,#+0x40
BLT ??CopyIRQvector_3

LDR R0,=0xE01FC040
MOV R1,#+0x2
STR R1,[R0]
mrs r0,cpsr ; Original PSR value

bic r0,r0,#MODE_BITS ; Clear the mode bits
orr r0,r0,#IRQ_MODE ; Set IRQ mode bits
msr cpsr_c,r0 ; Change the mode
ldr sp,=SFE(IRQ_STACK) & 0xFFFFFFF8 ; End of IRQ_STACK

bic r0,r0,#MODE_BITS ; Clear the mode bits
orr r0,r0,#FIQ_MODE ; Set System mode bits
msr cpsr_c,r0 ; Change the mode
ldr sp,=SFE(FIQ_STACK) & 0xFFFFFFF8 ; End of CSTACK

bic r0,r0,#MODE_BITS ; Clear the mode bits
orr r0,r0,#(SYS_MODE | 0xC0) ; Set System mode bits
msr cpsr_c,r0 ; Change the mode
ldr sp,=SFE(CSTACK) & 0xFFFFFFF8 ; End of CSTACK

#ifdef __ARMVFP__
; Enable the VFP coprocessor.
mov r0, #0x40000000 ; Set EN bit in VFP
fmxr fpexc, r0 ; FPEXC, clear others.

; Disable underflow exceptions by setting flush to zero mode.
; For full IEEE 754 underflow compliance this code should be removed
; and the appropriate exception handler installed.
mov r0, #0x01000000 ; Set FZ bit in VFP
fmxr fpscr, r0 ; FPSCR, clear others.

; Add more initialization here

; Continue to ?main for more IAR specific system startup

MOV R0,#-536870912
MOV R1,#-2147483648
STR R1,[R0, #+0x4]
// 126 WDMOD = 0x01;
MOV R1,#+0x1
STR R1,[R0, #+0]
// 127
// 128 WDFEED = 0xAA;
MOV R1,#+0xAA
STR R1,[R0, #+0x8]
// 129 WDFEED = 0x55;
MOV R1,#+0x55
STR R1,[R0, #+0x8]

ldr r0,=?main
bx r0

PUBLIC start_boot_program
//mrs r0,cpsr ; Original PSR value
//bic r0,r0,#MODE_BITS ; Clear the mode bits
//orr r0,r0,#(SVC_MODE | 0xC0) ; Set System mode bits

ldr r0,=0xD3
msr cpsr_c,r0

ldr PC,=0x0000




xcl файл.

// XLINK command file template for EWARM/ICCARM
// Usage: xlink -f lnkarm
// -s
// $Revision: 1.3 $

// -------------
// Code segments - may be placed anywhere in memory.
// -------------
// INTVEC -- Exception vector table.
// SWITAB -- Software interrupt vector table.
// ICODE -- Startup (cstartup) and exception code.
// DIFUNCT -- Dynamic initialization vectors used by C++.
// CODE -- Compiler generated code.
// CODE_I -- Compiler generated code declared __ramfunc (executes in RAM)
// CODE_ID -- Initializer for CODE_I (ROM).
// -------------
// Data segments - may be placed anywhere in memory.
// -------------
// CSTACK -- The stack used by C/C++ programs (system and user mode).
// IRQ_STACK -- The stack used by IRQ service routines.
// SVC_STACK -- The stack used in supervisor mode
// (Define other exception stacks as needed for
// FIQ, ABT, UND).
// HEAP -- The heap used by malloc and free in C and new and
// delete in C++.
// INITTAB -- Table containing addresses and sizes of segments that
// need to be initialized at startup (by cstartup).
// CHECKSUM -- The linker places checksum byte(s) in this segment,
// when the -J linker command line option is used.
// DATA_y -- Data objects.
// Where _y can be one of:
// _AN -- Holds uninitialized located objects, i.e. objects with
// an absolute location given by the @ operator or the
// #pragma location directive. Since these segments
// contain objects which already have a fixed address,
// they should not be mentioned in this linker command
// file.
// _C -- Constants (ROM).
// _I -- Initialized data (RAM).
// _ID -- The original content of _I (copied to _I by cstartup) (ROM).
// _N -- Uninitialized data (RAM).
// _Z -- Zero initialized data (RAM).
// Note: Be sure to use end values for the defined address ranges.
// Otherwise, the linker may allocate space outside the
// intended memory range.

// Inform the linker about the CPU family used.


// Segment placement - General information
// All numbers in the segment placement command lines below are interpreted
// as hexadecimal unless they are immediately preceded by a '.', which
// denotes decimal notation.
// When specifying the segment placement using the -P instead of the -Z
// option, the linker is free to split each segment into its segment parts
// and randomly place these parts within the given ranges in order to
// achieve a more efficient memory usage. One disadvantage, however, is
// that it is not possible to find the start or end address (using
// the assembler operators .sfb./.sfe.) of a segment which has been split
// and reformed.
// When generating an output file which is to be used for programming
// external ROM/Flash devices, the -M linker option is very useful
// (see xlink.pdf for details).

// Read-only segments mapped to ROM.


// Address range for reset and exception
// vectors (INTVEC).
// The vector area is 32 bytes,
// an additional 32 bytes is allocated for the
// constant table used by ldr PC in cstartup.s79.

// Startup code and exception routines (ICODE).


// Code segments may be placed anywhere.


// Original ROM location for __ramfunc code copied
// to and executed from RAM.


// Various constants and initializers.


// Read/write segments mapped to RAM.


// Data segments.


// __ramfunc code copied to and executed from RAM.


// ICCARM produces code for __ramfunc functions in
// CODE_I segments. The -Q XLINK command line
// option redirects XLINK to emit the code in the
// CODE_ID segment instead, but to keep symbol and
// debug information associated with the CODE_I
// segment, where the code will execute.


// Stack and heap segments.



// ELF/DWARF support.
// Uncomment the line "-Felf" below to generate ELF/DWARF output.
// Available format specifiers are:
// "-yn": Suppress DWARF debug output
// "-yp": Multiple ELF program sections
// "-yas": Format suitable for debuggers from ARM Ltd (also sets -p flag)
// "-Felf" and the format specifiers can also be supplied directly as
// command line options, or selected from the Xlink Output tab in the
// IAR Embedded Workbench.

// -Felf

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