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На каком uC быстрее написать soft (+)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Отправлено Benchmark 27 ноября 2001 г. 10:15

From: Vladan Jovanovic
To: 68HC05_08@oakhill-csic.sps.mot.com
Date: Monday, November 26, 2001, 1:50:26 PM
Subject: Benchmark

In my company we have developed the same software for three different 8-bit
MCUs: Motorola's HC08GP32, Microchip's PIC16F877 and Temic's 89C51RD2.
Algorithms for the program were implemented on these platforms in a very
similar way, and what we eventually discovered is that there was no drastic
performance difference between them.

Of course, performance depends a lot on the coding skills of the programmer
(all of the software was written in assembly) and on his knowledge of
algorithms and of the MCU he is working on. If software is developed in a
high-level language like C (or even C++), quality of the compiler used can
also make a significant difference.

And now, to be honest, I must mention that implementation on GP32 was
actually the fastest (faster compared to others for a couple of
miliseconds). Now there are some factors that contributed to that:
1. I was the one developing on GP32 :-))) (what can I say, I'm a great
programmer :-)))
2. Software was developed very quickly and easily on GP32 due to it's
simple architecture (linear address space, nice instruction set, plenty of
powerfull addressing modes,...)
3. Software was also easily debugged, since GP32 has excellent debugging
capabilities through MON08 and a variety of good debuggers (I use P&E
Micro's debugger)

Factor 1 is very important :-)), but factors 2. and 3. are also very
important. Debugging capabilites are very important since they alow fast and
reliable development. 8051 requires special hardware for debugging and you
have to pay for the debugger, and PIC's software is not that good compared
to what is available for HC08. Since I was able to quickly develop and debug
the software that left me plenty of time for optimizations. HC08's rich
instruction set was very rewarding for this task, and I was able to both
improve execution speed AND reduce size of the code considerably.

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