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Microsoft WDF team выкинул поддержку Win2K.
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

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Отправлено PicoDev 29 ноября 2005 г. 03:58

Subject: IMPORTANT - KMDF 1.0 and Windows 2000 support
From: "Johan Marien [MSFT]" Sent: 11/28/2005 9:46:02 AM

The KMDF development team is on the verge of releasing KMDF 1.0. A key
development in the months Oct/Nov has been that we've had to drop support
for Windows 2000. Per Microsoft Support Lifecycle
(http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?pr=lifecycle), Microsoft has
dropped mainstream support for Windows 2000 as of June 30th, 2005. Lack of
mainstream support for the core platform has raised concern with the release
team and prevents us from releasing KMDF for Windows 2000 unless there is a
significant/demonstrable customer impact/market demand. Since this comes
late in the game plan for V1.0, we had no choice but to pull Win2K support
for this release.

If Windows 2000 support is critical to your business needs, we want/need to
hear from you in order to get KMDF for Windows 2000 into the V1.1 release
(Windows Vista timeframe). Please send mail to kmdffdbk@microsoft.com with
the words "Windows 2000" in the subject line or use the following link
mailto:kmdffdbk@microsoft.com?subject=Windows 2000 Support

- The WDF Team.

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