только это
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено ы 06 сентября 2005 г. 17:07
В ответ на: нету отправлено ы 06 сентября 2005 г. 17:04

2.6.2 Calibration
Calibration tunes the serial bus speed for your computer. When you run Calibration be sure that PonyProg is the only program running in the PC, and the hard disk is idle (look at the HD led). If your PC is busy because it's performing other tasks the Calibration thinks your PC is slower than actual speed, and all I/Os are performed without proper delay.
After the Calibration you can choose the speed for every serial bus modifying the following parameters in the ponyprog.ini (.PonyProgrc under Linux) file:

I2CBusSpeed=NORMAL affect 24Cxx eeprom and other IІCBus devices
SPIBusSpeed=NORMAL affect AVR micro, AT89Sxx micro and 25xxx eeprom
MicroWireBusSpeed=NORMAL affect 93Cxx eeprom
PICBusSpeed=NORMAL affect PIC16x84 micro
SDEBusSpeed=NORMAL affect SDE2506 eeprom
Every parameter can be assigned the value SLOW, NORMAL, FAST or TURBO.
Avoid to use the TURBO value because it means "no delay", and probably it doesn't work on your PC, especially with the I/O driver.
Just for example my PC (Pentium MMX 200MHz) run IІCBus at about 80Khz with NORMAL, and 110 Khz with FAST. Note that a lot of IІCBus devices don't work at speed above the 100KHz.

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