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$250 for your Application Note
Dec 22, 2003

Submit your Application Note to seg@cypress.com and hmt@cypress.com.

Download the template here.

The Application Note may be about any PSoC subject of interest. The submission should include the Application Note in the template, ASM or 'C' code, and PSoC project files in version 4.2 or newer.

The length of the content should be no less than 2+ pages. The author's name, company or university, will be included on the Application Note. Payment will be upon verification, approval, and posting on this web site by Cypress' PSoC Applications Team and entirely at the discretion of the team. Cypress has technical writers on-staff, therefore submission from authors with limited English ability is encouraged. A bonus of $50 is available for submission in both English and any other language. For particularly well-written Application Notes or inventive uses of the PSoC device, Cypress will contact the author for possible publication in a major industry journal and additional payment. The program rules may be changed at anytime and without notice. Approved and posted Application Notes or articles will become the property of Cypress.

[Application_Note.zip] APPLICATION_NOTE.ZIP

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