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Максплюс: Откуда такая беда?
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Программируемые логические схемы и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено Навзничь 10 июля 2003 г. 15:49

Edif, полученный от LS 2000.1b. Нормально укладывается в 1к30. без ошибок/предупреждений.

Пытаюсь уложить в 1к50. ерунда, казлось бы. Но вот Timing Extractor выдает такие смешные предупреждения (см. кусок лога ниже).

Особенно хороши "Current tsu is 6553.2 ns" и "Current fmax is 0.07 MHz." что бы это значило? Насколько стоит обращать на это внимание? как это бороть?
Пересинтезировал для 1к50 (если это имеет какое-то значение), делал разные Global Project Logic Synth. Квартус фиттер включал/выключал. всё одно.

% MAX+plus II 10.1 Date: 07/10/2003 15:37:57 %

Info: Compiling project with user-specified timing assignments
Info: All assignments from EDIF Input File(s) have been added to the project's ACF
Info: Timing SNF for project is based on DMF version 10.12 for device EP1K50TC144-3
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register "_control_data_shift_reg0.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6553.2 ns.
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register "_control_data_shift_reg1.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6554.8 ns.
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register "_control_data_shift_reg2.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6554.8 ns.
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register "_control_data_shift_reg3.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6554.7 ns.
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register "_control_data_shift_reg4.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6555.3 ns.
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register "_control_data_shift_reg5.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6555.2 ns.
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register "_control_data_shift_reg6.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6555.2 ns.
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register "_control_data_shift_reg7.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6555.2 ns.
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register "_control_data_shift_reg8.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6555.3 ns.
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register "_control_data_shift_reg9.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6555.2 ns.
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register ":820.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6555.1 ns.
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register ":821.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6555.2 ns.
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register ":822.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6556.3 ns.
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register ":823.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6555.4 ns.
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register ":824.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6556.3 ns.
Warning: Can't provide tsu of 40.0 ns from "FCLK" to register ":825.Q" using Clock pin "GIO13". Current tsu is 6555.3 ns.
Warning: Can't provide fmax of 20.00 MHz on Clock pin "GIO13". Current fmax is 0.07 MHz.
Warning: Can't provide fmax of 25.00 MHz on Clock pin "FCLK". Current fmax is 0.15 MHz.

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