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Subject: Critical Issue Advisory for Quartus II Software Version 5.1
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Программируемые логические схемы и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено adeyneko 06 декабря 2005 г. 03:14

Subject: Critical Issue Advisory for Quartus II Software Version 5.1


Due to a recently discovered issue in the Quartus II software version 5.1, designs that use the intellectual property cores listed below may fail to compile in the Quartus II software or fail functionally in simulation or hardware. This failure is caused by Quartus II 5.1 database builder’s inability to detect changes to IP core source files generated by SOPC Builder or IP Toolbench. The Quartus II software versions 5.0 and earlier do not have this issue.

Cores Impacted

Customers compiling designs with Quartus II 5.1 with the following IP cores:

~ Nios II

~ POS-PHY Level 4

~ RapidIO

~ SerialLite II

~ SONET/SDH Compiler

How does this impact customers?

Customers may experience compilation failure during analysis and synthesis or experience hardware or simulation failures within the design logic after a successful compilation. Given Quartus II 5.1’s inability to detect any design changes made by the customer, there is no consistent error message, simulation failure or hardware failure. All symptoms will be tied to the specific customer design and the various changes made by the customer. Therefore, diagnosing this issue with customers can be very difficult.

How to fix this issue?

A critical update download (software patch) will be available to customers on www.altera.com early next week. All customers designing with Quartus II 5.1 and the IP cores mentioned above should download the critical update. It is recommended all Quartus II 5.1 users should download and install the critical update. Any designs compiled with Quartus II 5.1 and the IP cores above will need to be recompiled to resolve the issue. The issue will also be resolved in the Quartus II 5.1 SP1 available January 30th 2006 (including Web Edition).

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