Ответ: MSL16 core ? (+)

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     Отправлено AK 06 сентября 2000 г. 02:37:55
     В ответ на: ошибки в коде - видно глазами (-) отправлено yes 22 августа 2000 г. 17:14:18
The MSL16 machine is a CPU optimised to run the Forth programming language. It is similar to the minimal instruction set computers described in Jeff Fox's Forth microprocessor page , but implemented on a Xilinx FPGA. When the system is stable, the VHDL source code for the CPU and all the code will be released to make a complete public domain CPU.
At the moment, we are optimizing the design for speed, and Brad Eckert is developing a version of ANS Forth for MSL16. If you are interested in helping to develop MSL16, please contact phwl@cse.cuhk.edu.hk.

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