[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Сильно не смеяться, может кто знает что с этим делать ?? (+)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Программируемые логические схемы и их применение»)
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Отправлено -=Sergei=- 26 сентября 2001 г. 20:00

Надо упростить, тот кто это уже врядли что еще напишет, но это работает, но надо упростить, в ручную не получается, может софтинка котороая в СДНФ пререведет есть?

outa1 <=
(ina1 and ina2) or ((not t_out) and (not ina2) and ina3) when op_dcttr and ((ina2 and (ina1 xor t_out)) or ((not ina2) and ina3)) = '1' else
((ina1 and (not ina2)) and '1') or ((ina1 and ina2) and (not t_out)) when op_jktr and (ina3 and ((ina1 and (not ina2)) or (ina2 and (not ina1)) or (ina1 and ina2))) = '1' else
t_out when op_dcttr or op_jktr else
ina2 when op_swp and ina3 = '1' else
ina1 when op_swp and ina3 = '0' else
ina2 when op_swt and (t_out xor ina3) = '1' else
ina1 when op_swt else
m_outb or ((not sync) and (start and t_in)) when op_mul else
m_outb when op_muls else
t_in when op_cccmp or op_dccmp or op_ucmp else
sc_in(0) when op_u2b else
'1' when op_b2u and sc_in /= "00000000" else
'0' when op_b2u else
'0' when op_interval and ina2 = '1' else
'1' when op_interval and sc_in /= "00000000" else
'0' when op_interval else
(not w) and fc_in(0) when op_incr else
inrg when op_ashl and ((sc_out = "00000000") and (fs_out < wlen)) else
ts_out when op_ashl and fs_out = wlen else
'0' when op_ashl else
inrg when op_ashr and ((sc_out < (unsigned('0' & wlen) + "0"))) else
ts_out when op_ashr and (fs_out < (unsigned('0' & wlen) + "1")) and ina3 = '1' else
ts_out when op_ashr and (fs_out = (unsigned('0' & wlen) + "0")) and ina3 = '0' else
'0' when op_ashr else
inrg when op_lshl and ((sc_out = "00000000") and (fs_out < (unsigned('0' & wlen) + "1"))) else
'0' when op_lshl else
inrg when op_lshr and ((sc_out < (unsigned('0' & wlen) + "1"))) else -- (+ "0") !!!
'0' when op_lshr else
(not sign) and sum_s when op_denorm else
fc_out(0) when (op_msb or op_msb2) else
'0' when op_satr and w = '1' else
inrg when op_satr and ts_in = '0' else
'0' when op_satr and t_in = '1' and t_last else
'1' when op_satr and t_in = '1' else
'1' when op_satr and t_last else
'0' when op_satr else
(startbit and (not killstart)) or ((not w) and ((tg_in and ina1) or (tl_in and inrg) or ((not tl_in) and (not tg_in) and ina1))) when (op_maxcont or op_umaxcont) else
(startbit and (not killstart)) or ((not w) and ((tl_in and ina1) or (tg_in and inrg) or ((not tl_in) and (not tg_in) and ina1))) when (op_mincont or op_umincont) else
ina2 and (not w) when op_abs and ts_in = '0' and synhro else
(ina1 and ina2) when op_abs and synhro and t_first else
sum_s and (not w) when op_abs and synhro else
sum_s when op_abs and synhro else
ina2 and (not w) when op_cc and ts_in = '0' and synhro else
(ina1 and ina2) when op_cc and synhro and t_first else
ts_out xor (sum_c and sum_s) when op_cc and synhro and t_last else
sum_s and (not w) when op_cc and synhro else
sum_s when op_cc and synhro else
inrg or (ovf and (not killstart)) when (op_fpadd or op_fpsub) else
'0' when w = '1' and startbit = '0' else
'0' when w = '1' and op_abs and (not synhro) else
(inrg) when op_abs and t_first and ts_out = '1' and (not synhro) else
inrg and (not w) when op_abs and ts_out = '0' and (not synhro) else
sum_s when op_abs and (not synhro) else
'0' when w = '1' and op_cc and (not synhro) else
(inrg) when op_cc and t_first and ts_out = '1' and (not synhro) else
inrg when op_cc and ts_out = '0' and (not synhro) else
ts_out and (not sum_s) when op_cc and t_last and (not synhro) else
sum_s when op_cc and (not synhro) else
startbit or ((ina1 and tg_in) or (ina2 and (not tg_in))) when op_max or op_maxmin or op_umax or op_umaxmin else
startbit or ((ina1 and tl_in) or (ina2 and (not tl_in))) when op_min or op_umin else
(not startbit) and (ina1 and ina2) when op_and else
(not startbit) and (ina1 nand ina2) when op_nand else
(not startbit) and (ina1 xor ina2) when op_xor else
(not startbit) and ((not ina1) or ina2) when op_impl else
(not startbit) and (ina1 and (not ina2)) when op_nimpl else
ina1 xor ina2 when (op_add or op_adds) and t_first else
ina1 xor inrg when op_addc and t_first else
sum_s and (not w) when op_addc else
ina1 xor (inrg and (not t_out)) when op_addcont and t_first else
sum_s and (not w) when op_addcont else
not ((not ina1) xor ina2) when (op_sub or op_subs or Op_SubCmp or Op_SubCmpS) and t_first else
startbit or sum_s when (op_add or op_sub or Op_SubCmp) else
(not startbit) and sum_s when op_adds or op_subs or Op_SubCmpS else
ina1 when op_signinv and t_first else
sum_s or startbit when op_signinv else

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