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Господа, помогите начинающему человеку. Надо склепать высоконадежное устройство ("высоколетающее") :) хотел на Xilinx но нашел тут "новость", теперь незнаю что делать. На ACTEL который всех своей надежностью достал не хотца, хотца перепрограмить по ходу разработки. Посмотрите текстик внутри подскажите pls !
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Программируемые логические схемы и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено УЧЕНИК 24 января 2004 г. 23:44

Xilinx says flip-chip snags caused faulty FPGAs
By Mark LaPedus

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Xilinx Inc. said it has discovered problems with certain lots of its field-programmable gate array (FPGA) products using flip-chip technology.
The parts, including the Virtex-II Pro and XC2V6000 products, "were manufactured using improper solder material that may cause random upset of device configuration," Xilinx said on Tuesday (Jan. 13).
"This issue is isolated to a limited number of parts assembled in calendar 2003, using a packaging substrate from only one of our substrate vendors," according to the company. "The issue has subsequently been resolved and shipments with proper solder have resumed."
Xilinx is currently identifying and notifying customers and is working on an individual basis with customers to address specific problems. There will be no material impact on the December quarter 2003 or March quarter 2004 financial results, the company said.

EETimes Online, Jan 14, 2004

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