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насколько ССS соответствует С++, это скорее ембедед С++? я не пробывал, но сильно сомневаюсь, что удасться портировать...
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Цифровые сигнальные процессоры (DSP) и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено yes 16 июня 2003 г. 14:43
В ответ на: Вообще-то и в CCS для ARM, и в CCS для 6000 он работает, и одинаково. отправлено SM 16 июня 2003 г. 12:18

The TMS320C6000 compiler supports C++ as defined in the ISO/IEC 14882:1998 standard. The exceptions to the standard are as follows:

· Complete C++ standard library support is not included. C subset and basic language support is included.

· These C++ headers for C library facilities are not included:






· These C++ headers are the only C++ standard library header files included:



No support for bad_cast or bad_type_id is included in the typeinfo header.

· Exception handling is not supported.

· Run time type information (RTTI) is disabled by default. RTTI can be enabled with the -rtti shell option.

· The reinterpret_cast type does not allow casting a pointer to member of one class to a pointer to member of a another class if the classes are unrelated.

· Two-phase name binding in templates, as described in [tesp.res] and [temp.dep] of the standard, is not implemented.

· Template parameters are not implemented.

· The export keyword for templates is not implemented.

· A typedef of a function type cannot include member function cv-qualifiers.

· A partial specialization of a class member template cannot be added outside of the class definition.

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