[an error occurred while processing this directive]
2SM по поводу SM510PCI
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Цифровые сигнальные процессоры (DSP) и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено man55 23 октября 2006 г. 08:44

вопрос в следующем: есть рабочий эмулятор, с нашими железяками на 5502 он работает без вопросов
попала в руки очередная железяка на 5409, эмулятор упорно не проходит тесты

C:\Program Files\ccs\cc\bin>sm510ctl -tck 9 -sld 0 -pe 0 -b

SM510PCI Universal JTAG/Emulation card control utility -- (c) 2003-2004 SM --

Setting TCK...Ok
Setting Link Delay...Ok
Setting PCI I/O brakes...Ok
Setting POD TDO edge control...Ok

----- Current operating mode:
Brakes = 0 PCI clocks
LPT JTAG/Emu Mode = ByteBlaster MV
XDS510 TCK freq = 8.33 Mhz
XDS510 Link delay = Normal
XDS510 Cable TDO Ctl = Disabled
XDS510 POD TDO Ctl = Disabled

----- Saved operating mode:
Brakes = 0 PCI clocks
LPT JTAG/Emu Mode = ByteBlaster MV
XDS510 TCK freq = 8.33 Mhz
XDS510 Link delay = Normal
XDS510 Cable TDO Ctl = Disabled
XDS510 POD TDO Ctl = Disabled

Operation completed successfully


C:\Program Files\ccs\cc\bin>xdsprobe.exe -p240 -y
-----[Select the controller]-------------------------------------------------

This utility has selected a classic XDS510 emulator.
This utility will operate on port address '0x0240'.
The controller has an insertion length of '16' (0x0010).
The controller has a revision number of '1' (0x0001).
The controller type is 'The venerable TBC (74ACT8990)'.
The local memory has a base address of '0' (0x000000).
The local memory has a word capacity of '262144' (0x040000).

-----[Test the emulator's JTAG controller hardware]--------------------------

Starting the Control Register Reset Test.
Finished the Control Register Reset Test.

Starting the Control Register Read-Write Test.
Finished the Control Register Read-Write Test.

Starting the Serial Buffer Normal Read-Write Test.
Finished the Serial Buffer Normal Read-Write Test.

Starting the Serial Buffer Reverse Read-Write Test.
Finished the Serial Buffer Reverse Read-Write Test.

Starting the Status0 Register Test.
Finished the Status0 Register Test.

Starting the Status1 Register Test.
Finished the Status1 Register Test.

Starting the Status2 Register Test.
Finished the Status2 Register Test.

Starting the Status3 Register Test.
Finished the Status3 Register Test.

Starting the Counter Capture Test.
Finished the Counter Capture Test.

Starting the Loop-Back with Reads and Writes Test.
Finished the Loop-Back with Reads and Writes Test.

Starting the Loop-Back Test with All-Ones Test.
Finished the Loop-Back Test with All-Ones Test.

Starting the Loop-Back Test Using All-Zeros Test.
Finished the Loop-Back Test Using All-Zeros Test.

Starting the Loop-Back with Recirculation Test.
Finished the Loop-Back with Recirculation Test.

Starting the Serial Buffer Observe Flag Test.
Finished the Serial Buffer Observe Flag Test.

Starting the State Command's State Machine Test.
Finished the State Command's State Machine Test.

Starting the Counter1 and Counter2 Test.
Finished the Counter1 and Counter2 Test.

None of the test-cases have detected errors.

-----[An error has occurred and this utility has aborted]--------------------

This error is generated by TI's USCIF driver.

The value is `-233' (0xffffff17).
The title is: `SC_ERR_PTH_BROKEN'.

The explanation is:
An attempt to scan the JTAG scan-path has failed.
The target's JTAG scan-path appears to be broken
with a stuck-at-ones or stuck-at-zero fault.

и наконец

C:\Program Files\ccs\cc\bin>xdsprobe.exe -p240 -i
-----[Select the controller]-------------------------------------------------

This utility has selected a classic XDS510 emulator.
This utility will operate on port address '0x0240'.
The controller has an insertion length of '16' (0x0010).
The controller has a revision number of '1' (0x0001).
The controller type is 'The venerable TBC (74ACT8990)'.
The local memory has a base address of '0' (0x000000).
The local memory has a word capacity of '262144' (0x040000).

-----[Perform the scan-path length test on the JTAG IR and DR]---------------

This scan-path test uses blocks of 512 32-bit words.

The test for the JTAG IR instruction scan-path length failed.
The JTAG IR instruction scan-path is stuck-at-zero.

The test for the JTAG DR bypass scan-path length failed.
The JTAG DR bypass scan-path is stuck-at-zero.

-----[Perform the scan-path integrity test on the JTAG IR]-------------------

This scan-path test uses blocks of 512 32-bit words.

Starting an Integrity Test using 0xFFFFFFFF.

-----[An error has occurred and this utility has aborted]--------------------

This error is generated by TI's USCIF driver.

The value is `-270' (0xfffffef2).

The explanation is:
The length of the scan is too large for the emulators controller.

пляски с бубном вокруг параметров
-tck (1-9)
-sld (0-1)
-pe (0-1)
и параметра [unify_linkdly] (3-5)
в различных вариантах ни к чему не привели, при том, что две других железки стабильно работают на 16 МГц (-tck 3 -sld 1 -pe 1)
длина хвостика POD-target меньше 10 см, испытуемая железка 100% исправна и с разводкой у ней вроде порядок, поскольку через этот же JTAG другой разработчик в другой конторе другим эмулятором ее шил

где копать ?
ася 126-363-пять-восемь-ноль

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