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Что изучают студенты математических факультетов в Испании.
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Цифровые сигнальные процессоры (DSP) и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено st256 28 сентября 2006 г. 20:20

Вот интересная инфа: список курсов и учебников к этим курсам для испанских студентов математических факультетов. Делайте выводы господа.

И просьба: кто знает дайте, пожалуйста, ссылки на сами учебники (возможно, кое-что издано и на русском).

List of courses in Mathematics at the Univ.
- Linear Algebra ("Introduction to Linear Algebra", Anton)
- Abstract Algebra ("Algebra", Godement; "Introduction to Algebra", Kostrikin)
- Descriptive Geometry ("Introduction to geometry", Coxeter)
- Geometry and Topology ("Projective geometry", "Non-euclidean geometry", Coxeter, "Geometry from a differential viewpoint", McCleary;
"Topology", Munkres; "Differential geometry of curves and surfaces", doCarmo)
- Mathematical Analysis ("Elementary classical analysis", Marsden, Hoffman; "Principles of Mathematical Analysis", Rudin;
"Calculus of several variables", Lang; "5000 problems in mathematical analysis", Demidovich; "Complex analysis", Ahlfors;
"Theory of analytical functions", Markushevich; "Mathematical Analysis", Apostol; "Analysis of manifolds", Munkres;
"Analyse fonctionelle. Theorie et applications", Brezis; "Introduction to Hilbert spaces with applications", Debnath, Mikusinski;
"Analyse de Fourier et applications", Gasquet, Witomsky)
- Discrete Mathematics ("Discrete Mathematics", Biggs)
- Numerical Methods ("Introduction to the numerical analysis", Stoer, Bulirsch; "Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations", Lambert;
"The mathematical theory of finite element methods", Brenner, Scott)
- Probability and Statistics ("Basic Probability Theory", Ash; "Real analysis and probability", Ash;
"Probability and statistics", DeGroot)
- Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations ("Differential equations, dynamical systems and linear algebra", Hirsch, Smale;
"An introduction to the calculus of variations", Fox; "Equations of mathematical physics", Tijonov, Samarsky;
"Basic partial differential equations", Bleecker, Csordas)
- Computational Algebra ("Ideals, varieties and algorithms", Cox, Little, O'Shea; "Modern computer algebra", von zur Gathen, Gerhard)
- Mathematical Programming ("Graph algorithms", Even; "Linear and combinatorial programming", Murty)
- Computer Programing ("The art of computer programming", Knuth, "Data structures and algorithms", Hopcroft, Ullman)
- Computer Graphics ("Interactive computer graphics. A top-down approach with OpenGL", Angel)
- Basics on Digital Signal Processing (elective subject) ("Discrete-time signal processing", Oppenheim, Shafer;
"A wavelet tour of signal processing", Mallat; "Digital Image Processing", Gonzalez, Woods)

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