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вдобавок есть все же различия по использованию SEM/LCK_pend
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Цифровые сигнальные процессоры (DSP) и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено reddragon 16 мая 2006 г. 11:55
В ответ на: В контексте BIOS - никаких. + отправлено andy_P 15 мая 2006 г. 15:51

Note: RTS Functions Callable from TSK Threads Only
Many runtime support (RTS) functions use lock and unlock functions to
prevent reentrancy. However, DSP/BIOS SWI and HWI threads cannot
call LCK_pend and LCK_post. As a result, RTS functions that call
LCK_pend or LCK_post must not be called in the context of a SWI or
HWI thread.
❏ The lock must be a handle for a resource lock object created through
a prior call to LCK_create.
❏ LCK_pend should NOT be called from a SWI or HWI thread.

but for SEM_pend:
SEM_pend can only be called from an HWI or SWI if timeout is 0.
❏ SEM_pend cannot be called from the program’s main function.
❏ If you need to call SEM_pend within a TSK_disable/TSK_enable
block, you must use a timeout of 0.
❏ SEM_pend should not be called from within an IDL function. Doing
so prevents analysis tools from gathering run-time information.

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