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Проверил на xdsprobe -a (+)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Цифровые сигнальные процессоры (DSP) и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено KykyryzzZ 16 февраля 2006 г. 10:59
В ответ на: Просмотрел лог по-подробнее, оказалось что "The JTAG IR integrity test has failed."(+) отправлено KykyryzzZ 16 февраля 2006 г. 10:28

D:\CCStudio_v3.1\cc\bin>xdsprobe -a

-----[Select the controller]---------------------------------------------

This utility has selected a classic XDS510 emulator.
This utility will operate on port address '0x0'.
That original port address was aliased to '0x0240'.
The controller has an insertion length of '16' (0x0010).
The controller has a revision number of '1' (0x0001).
The controller type is 'The venerable TBC (74ACT8990)'.
The local memory has a base address of '0' (0x000000).
The local memory has a word capacity of '262144' (0x040000).

-----[Analysing the configure file and the scan-path]----------------

The configure file indicates zero JTAG devices should be in the system.
This test indicates just one JTAG device is actually in the system.

This test cannot analyse the scan-path when the
configure file and the scan-path do not match.

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