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(«Телесистемы»: Конференция 'Цифровые сигнальные процессоры (DSP) и их применение')

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено Doka 11 января 2006 г. 18:06
В ответ на: Кто-то щупал ccs-3.2 beta ? (+) отправлено <font color=gray>Harbour</font> 11 января 2006 г. 14:26

еще не устанавливал
вроде САВы для всех семействи есть, но в файле CCS 3.2 (C64x+ Tools) Beta 2 Release
What is not supported
This release does not support legacy C2xx, C54x & C6x (62x, 64x, 67x) device configurations.
я так понял основные отличия касаются улучшенной поддержки архитектур C64+ and C67+ и поддержки новых камней.
в линухах не копенгаген, но в папке установки только файлы с расширением САВ и ЕХЕ - поэтому врядли :(
вот наоболее значимый текст "readme/changelog от codegen'а" :
TMS320C6000 Code Generation Tools Version 6.0.1B2


Thank you for choosing Texas Instruments software development tools. It is our
goal to provide you with the most useful and efficient development tools from
which to develop your applications around Texas Instruments processors.
Included in the package you will find our Microprocessor Development Systems
Customer Support Guide which shows services available to our customers.

This readme.txt file documents changes and additions to the tools which
are not covered in the printed documentation.

For questions or technical support, please consult your customer support guide
or contact customer support at support@ti.com.

Table of Contents

1. New in 6.0.1
1.01. Compiling/assembling for new C64+ and C67+ ISAs
1.02. New RTS libraries for C64+ and C67+
1.03. New assembler and compiler C64+ and C67+ predefined symbols
1.04. long long type/New intrinsics/New _mem8 intrinsic
1.05. Compression/-ms flag and the C64+ architecture
1.06. Must use shell to compile, assemble, and link
1.07. -gp, --symdebug:profile_coff and --symdebug:coff not allowed for C64+
1.08. Certain assembly expressions are disallowed for C64+
1.09. Absolute Listing not supported for C64+
1.10. Cross-reference listing files do not show correct asm values for C64+
1.11. Save and restore the ILC and RILC when appropriate in interrupt fns
1.12. RTS function "strasgi" update
1.13. C67+ DESR and DETR control registers
1.14. Reading posix long name tables in archives
1.15. Multi-level subsection support in linker
1.16. Additional calling convention considerations for C64+
1.17. Trampolines assume B15 is the stack pointer
1.18. Run Time Support Libraries no longer compiled with -ml2
1.19. New Information Available in Map File
1.20. Intrinsics for C64+
1.21. Intrinsics for C67+

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