[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Вот два примера от Аналог. Первый - для блекфина (в нем даже не разбирался). Второй - без учета переполнения (floating-point, 21xxx) код есть см. пример. Думаю, что если покопаться в экзамплах на Вашем компе, то Вы там все найдете (+)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Цифровые сигнальные процессоры (DSP) и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено homekvn 14 октября 2005 г. 16:31
В ответ на: fft отправлено <font color=gray>vitaliy</font> 14 октября 2005 г. 16:17

* cfftf_fr16.asm : $Revision: 1.2 $
* (c) Copyright 2003 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.

#if 0

Function: CFFTF - fast N-point radix-4 complex input FFT



void cfftf_fr16(const complex_fract16 in[], /* Input sequence */
complex_fract16 out[], /* Output sequence */
const complex_fract16 twid[], /* Twiddle sequence */
int wst, /* Twiddle stride */
int n); /* FFT size */


The cfftf_fr16 function transforms the time domain complex input signal
sequence to the frequency domain by using the accelerated version of
the Discrete Fourier Transform known as a Fast Fourier Transform or FFT.
It will decimate in frequently using an optimized radix-4 algorithm.

The size of the input array in and the output array out is n where n
represents the number of points in the FFT. The cfftf_fr16 function has
been designed for optimum performance and requires that the input array
in be aligned on an address boundary that is a multiple of four times
the FFT size. For certain applications, this alignment constraint may
not be appropriate; in such cases the application should call the
cfftrad4_fr16 function instead with no loss of facility (apart from

The twiddle table is passed in the argument twid, which must contain at
least (3*n)/4 complex twiddle factors. The table should be initialized
with complex twiddle factors in which the real coefficients are positive
cosine values and the imaginary coefficients are negative sine values.
The function twidfftf_fr16 may be used to initialize the array. If the
twiddle table contains more factors than required for a particular FFT
size, then the stride factor wst has to be set appropriately; otherwise
it should be set to 1.

It is recommended that the output array is not allocated in the same
4K memory sub-bank as either the input array or the twiddle table as
the performance of the function may otherwise degrade due to data
bank collisions.

The function will use static scaling of intermediate results to prevent
overflow. The final output will be scaled by 1/n.

The number of points in the FFT, n, must be a power of 4 and must be at
least 16.



#define FFTSIZE 64

#pragma align 256
segment ("seg_1") complex_fract16 input[FFTSIZE];

#pragma align 4
segment ("seg_2") complex_fract16 output[FFTSIZE];

#pragma align 4
segment ("seg_3") complex_fract16 twid[(3*FFTSIZE)/4];




This is an assembly routine for an optimized Complex radix-4 C-callable
FFT running on the Blackfin family of DSPs.

[I] Usage:

1. Inputs:

R0 -> pointer to input data for a FFT
R1 -> pointer to output array for a FFT
R2 -> pointer to the twiddle table

[SP + 28] -> stride through the twiddle table
[SP + 32] -> N, the number of FFT points

2. The twiddle factor array to be passed to the function must be
initialized with alternate real(cos) and imaginary(-sine) values.
The length of the twiddle factor array should be 3*N/4 - 2,
where N is the number of FFT points.
w = e^(-2*j*pi*[0 : 3*N/4-3]/N)

3. Static scaling is used to avoid overflow in the intermediate
results, and hence the final output will be scaled by 1/N. (The
input data is scaled by 4 in the first stage and the output of
each stage FFT except the last stage is scaled by 4.

[II] Assumptions:

1. There should be at least 2 stages since first stage is done
separately. In the first stage, bit reversal is done and so it
is separated out. In the last stage, scaling of the output is
not required and so is separated out, but if N = 16, computation
for intermediate stages is skipped by a conditional jump. In
brief, FFT length should be at least 16 and should be a power

2. The input array base address in[] should have 'x' zeros in the
LSB for bit reversing properly where x = log (4*N) to the base 2.

#pragma align 64 for FFT size of 16
#pragma align 256 for FFT size of 64
#pragma align 1024 for FFT size of 256
#pragma align 4096 for FFT size of 1024

3. The twiddle table and the output array must be aligned on a
32-bit word boundary.

4. The twiddle table and output array should be allocated in
separate 4K memory sub-banks to avoid data bank collisions

5. The input array and output array should be allocated in
separate 4K memory sub-banks to avoid data bank collisions

[III] Technical Data:

1. Registers used:

A0, A1, R0-R7, I0-I3, B1-B3, M0-M3, L1, L3, P0-P2, LC0, LC1, CC

! This functions makes use of the register M3.

2. Cycle Counts:

166 cycles for FFT size of 16
627 cycles for FFT size of 64
2972 cycles for FFT size of 256
14581 cycles for FFT size of 1024

(measured using the BF532 cycle accurate simulator)

3. Code Size:
518 Bytes


.section program;
.align 8;
.global __cfftf_fr16;

[--SP] = (R7:4); // Save registers R4-R7
R3 = R2; // R3 = Address of twiddle factor array

R4 = 16;
R2 = [SP + 32];
P1 = R2; // P1 = N, length of FFT
CC = R2 < R4;
IF CC JUMP CFFTF_EXIT; // Terminate if invalid input length

I0 = R0; // Address of input array

I1 = R1; // Address of output buffer (read pointer)
B1 = R1; // Base address of circular buffer
R0 = R2 << 2; // R0 = 4*N
L1 = R0; // Circular buffering enabled

B3 = R1;
I3 = R1; // Address of output buffer (write pointer)
L3 = R0;

R0 = [SP + 28]; // Twiddle stride
B2 = R0;
CC = R0 <= 0;
IF CC JUMP CFFTF_EXIT; // Terminate if invalid twiddle stride

M0 = 16; // Modifier to decrement outpoint pointer
// for 3 dummy writes
R0 = R2 << 1 || I1 -= M0; // R0 = 2*N ,
// Decrement output pointer by 12 for skewing
M3 = R0; // M3 = 2*N
I2 = R3; // Address of twiddle factor array

P1 = P1 >> 2; // P1 = N/4;
M2 = 0; // To avoid overflow of I2 during dummy
// increments at the start
P0 = 16; // Modifier for fetching input
P2 = 0; // Loop counter for number of butterflies per group

// Start of first stage with input fetching by bit reversal
// Input is scaled by four. The output is also scaled by four by ASR option

// There are N/4 butterflies in first stage
R5 = R1 +|- R3 , R3 = R1 -|+ R3(ASR) || I0 += M3 (BREV) || R7 = [I0];
// y3 = B +|- D, y1 = B -|+ D,
// Do bit-reversal, fetch x0
R7 = R7 >>> 2(V) || [I1++] = R6 || R6 = [I0];
// Scale x0, , Store y0 of this butterfly,
// fetch x2
R6 = R6 >>> 2(V) || [I1++] = R3 || I0 += M3 (BREV);
// Scale x2, Store y1 of previous butterfly,
// Do bit-reversal
R0 = R7 +|+ R6 , R1 = R7 -|- R6(ASR) || I0 += M3 (BREV) || R7 = [I0];
// A = x0 +|+ x2, B = x0 -|- x2,
// Do bit-reversal, fetch x1
R7 = R7 >>> 2(V) || I0 += M3 (BREV) || R6 = [I0];
// Scale x1, Do bit-reversal and fetch x3
R6 = R6 >>> 2(V) || [I1++] = R4;
// Scale x3, Store y2 of previous butterfly
R5 = R7 +|+ R6 , R3 = R7 -|- R6 (ASR,CO) || [I1++] = R5;
// C = x1 +|+ x3, D = x1 -|- x3(CO),
// Store y3 of previous butterfly
R6 = R0 +|+ R5 , R4 = R0 -|- R5(ASR);
// y0 = A +|+ C, y2 = A -|- C

R5 = R1 +|- R3 , R3 = R1 -|+ R3(ASR) || [I1++] = R6;
// y3 = B +|- D, y1 = B -|+ D,
// Store y0 of this butterfly
[I1++] = R3; // Store y1 of last butterfly
[I1++] = R4; // Store y2 of last butterfly
[I1++] = R5; // Store y3 of last butterfly
// End of first stage with input fetching by bit reversal

// Start of intermediate stages. All the stages except first and last done here.

// This loop(INTER_STAGES) is for (number of stages - 2)
P2 += 1; // Butterfly counter is incremented
P2 = P2 << 2; // Number of butterflies is multiplied by 4.
P2 += -1; // Loop counter is decremented as first
// butterfly already done.

R1 = B2; // Load stride
R2 = P1; // R2 is initialised to P1(=N/4) and is
// divided by four after each stage.
R2 *= R1;
M1 = R2; // For restoring twiddle factor pointer

R0 = P0; // Let P0 = a
M0 = P0; // Modifier of input for butterfly, M0 = a
R1 = R0 << 2;
P0 = R1; // a is multiplied by four
R1 = R0 - R1;
R1 += 4;
M3 = R1; // M3 = -3a + 4 (a before modification)

P1 = P1 >> 2; // P1 initialised to N/4 and is divided by 4
// after each stage
CC = P1 == 1; // Check whether loop has been executed
// (no: of stages - 2) times
IF CC JUMP FINISH; // If true, jump to finish

// Executed for all groups in the stage
// First butterfly is done outside as the twiddle factors are one in this butterfly.
R4 = PACK(R2.H,R2.L) || R7 = [I1++M0] || I2 -= M2;
// R4 = R2 , Fetch x0 , Modify I2
R6 = [I1++M0] || I2 -= M2; // Fetch x2 , Modify I2
M2 = R4; // Modifier for twiddle factor array
R7 = R7 +|+ R6, R1 = R7 -|- R6(ASR) || R0 = [I1++M0];
// A = x0 +|+ x2, B = x0 -|- x2, Fetch x1
R6 = [I1++M3]; // Fetch x3
R5 = R0 +|+ R6, R3 = R0 -|- R6(ASR,CO) || R0 = [I1++M0];
// C = x1 +|+ x3, D = x1 -|- x3(CO),
// Fetch x0 of next butterfly
R5 = R7 +|+ R5, R6 = R7 -|- R5(ASR) || R7 = [I1++M0] || I2 += M2;
// y0 = A +|+ C, y2 = A -|- C,
// Fetch x2 of next butterfly, Skip W0
R3 = R1 +|- R3, R1 = R1 -|+ R3(ASR) || [I3++M0] = R5 || R5 = [I2++M2];
// y3 = B +|- D, y1 = B -|+ D,
// Store y0 of this butterfly, Fetch W1
R4 = R4 + R2(S) || [I3++M0] = R1 || R1 = [I2++M2];
// Add R2 to R4, Store y1 of this butterfly,
// Fetch W2

// Loop for (butterflies-1) in the group
A0=R7.L*R1.L, A1=R7.L*R1.H || [I3++M0] = R6;
// Complex mul. of x2 and W2,
// Store y2 of previous butterfly
R1.L=(A0-=R7.H*R1.H), R1.H=(A1+=R7.H*R1.L) || R7 = [I1++M0];
// C2 = x2 * W2, Fetch x1

A0=R7.L*R5.L, A1=R7.L*R5.H || [I3++M3] = R3 || R3 = [I2];
// Complex mul. of x1 and W1, Fetch W3
R7.L=(A0-=R7.H*R5.H), R7.H=(A1+=R7.H*R5.L) || R6 = [I1++M3] || I2 -= M2;
// C1 = x1 * W1, Fetch x3, Modify I1, I2
A0=R6.L*R3.L, A1=R6.L*R3.H || I2 -= M2;
// Complex mul. of x3 and W3, Modify I2
M2=R4; // Modifier of I2 is updated
R6.L=(A0-=R6.H*R3.H), R6.H=(A1+=R6.H*R3.L) || I2 += M1;
// C3 = x3 * W3, Restore I2
R5 = R7 +|+ R6, R3 = R7 -|- R6(ASR,CO);
// C = C1 +|+ C3, D = C1 -|- C3(CO)
R7 = R0 +|+ R1, R1 = R0 -|- R1(ASR) || R0 = [I1++M0];
// A = x0 +|+ C2, B = x0 -|- C2,
// Fetch x0 of next butterfly
R5 = R7+|+R5, R6 = R7-|-R5(ASR) || R7 = [I1++M0];
// y0 = A +|+ C, y2 = A -|- C,
// Fetch x2 of next butterfly
R3 = R1+|-R3, R1 = R1-|+R3(ASR) || [I3++M0] = R5 || R5 = [I2++M2];
// y3 = B +|- D, y1 = B -|+ D,
// Store y0 of this butterfly, Fetch W1
R4 = R4 + R2(S) || [I3++M0] = R1 || R1 = [I2++M2];
// R4(copy of M2) is modified, Store y1,
// Fetch W2

A0=R6.L*R6.L, A1=R6.L*R6.H || [I3++M0] = R6 || I2 -= M2;
// Store y2 of last butterfly, Modify I2
[I3++] = R3 || I1 += M0; // Store y3 of last butterfly, Modify I1


R4 = PACK(R2.H,R2.L) || I2 -= M2 || R7 = [I1++M0];
// R4 = R2, Modify twiddle pointer, Fetch x0
R6 = [I1++M0] || I2 -= M2; // Modify twiddle factor array pointer,
// Fetch x2
M2 = R4; // Modifier for twiddle factor array
R7 = R7 +|+ R6, R1 = R7 -|- R6 || R0 = [I1++M0];
// A = x0 +|+ x2, B = x0 -|- x2, Fetch x1
R6 = [I1++M3]; // Fetch x3
R5 = R0 +|+ R6, R3 = R0 -|- R6(CO) || R0 = [I1++M0];
// C = x1 +|+ x3, D = x1 -|- x3(CO),
// Fetch x0 of next butterfly
R5 = R7 +|+ R5, R6 = R7 -|- R5 || R7 = [I1++M0] || I2 += M2;
// y0 = A +|+ C, y2 = A -|- C,
// Fetch x2 of next butterfly, Skip W0
R3 = R1 +|- R3, R1 = R1 -|+ R3 || [I3++M0] = R5 || R5 = [I2++M2];
// y3 = B +|- D, y1 = B -|+ D,
// Store y0 of this butterfly, Fetch W1
R4 = R4 + R2(S) || [I3++M0] = R1 || R1 = [I2++M2];
// R2 is added to R4,
// Store y1 of this butterfly, Fetch W2

A0=R7.L*R1.L, A1=R7.L*R1.H || [I3++M0] = R6;
// Complex mul. of x2 and W2,
// Store y2 of previous butterfly
R1.L=(A0-=R7.H*R1.H), R1.H=(A1+=R7.H*R1.L) || R7 = [I1++M0];
// C2 = x2 * W2, Fetch x1
A0=R7.L*R5.L, A1=R7.L*R5.H || [I3++M3] = R3 || R3 = [I2];
// Complex mul. of x1 and W1, Fetch W3
R7.L=(A0-=R7.H*R5.H), R7.H=(A1+=R7.H*R5.L) || R6 = [I1++M3] || I2 -= M2;
// C1 = x1 * W1, Fetch x3, Modify I1, I2
A0=R6.L*R3.L, A1=R6.L*R3.H || I2 -= M2;
// Complex mul. of x3 and W3, Modify I2
M2=R4; // Modifier of I2 is updated
R6.L=(A0-=R6.H*R3.H), R6.H=(A1+=R6.H*R3.L) || I2 += M1;
// C3 = x3 * W3, Restore I2
R5 = R7 +|+ R6, R3 = R7 -|- R6(CO);
// C = C1 +|+ C3, D = C1 -|- C3(CO)
R7 = R0 +|+ R1, R1 = R0 -|- R1 || R0 = [I1++M0];
// A = x0 +|+ C2, B = x0 -|- C2,
// Fetch x0 of next butterfly
R5 = R7+|+R5, R6 = R7-|-R5 || R7 = [I1++M0];
// y0 = A +|+ C, y2 = A -|- C,
// Fetch x2 of next butterfly
R3 = R1+|-R3, R1 = R1-|+R3 || [I3++M0] = R5 || R5 = [I2++M2];
// y3 = B +|- D, y1 = B -|+ D,
// Store y0 of this butterfly, Fetch W1
R4 = R4 + R2(S) || [I3++M0] = R1 || R1 = [I2++M2];
// R4(copy of M2) is modified,
// Store y1, Fetch W2
[I3++M0] = R6; // Store y2 of last butterfly
[I3++M3] = R3; // Store y3 of last butterfly

(R7:4) = [SP++]; // Restore all registers that were saved
L1 = 0; // Circular buffering disabled
L3 = 0;



DFT.ASM ADSP-2106x Discrete Fourier Transform
This routine performs an N point real DFT according to the following equation:

real(k)+j*imag(k) = SUM input(n)[C - j*S]; k=0 to N-1

where: C=cos(2*pi*k*n/N), S=sin(2*pi*k*n/N), j=sqrt(-1)

#include "def21060.h" /* Memory Mapped IOP register definitions */
#define N 64 /* Constant for number of points in input */

.SECTION/DM dm_data; /* Declare variables in data memory */
.VAR input[N]= "test64.dat";
.VAR real[N];
.VAR imag[N];

.SECTION/PM pm_data; /* Declare variables in program memory */
.VAR sine[N]= "sin64.dat"; /* Cosine is derived using a shifted */
/* pointer to this circular buffer.*/

.SECTION/PM pm_rsti; /* The reset vector resides in this space */
USTAT2= 0x108421; /* 1st instr. to be executed after reset */
DM(WAIT)=USTAT2; /* Set external memory waitstates to 0 */
JUMP start;

.SECTION/PM pm_code; /* Example setup for DFT routine */
start: M1=1;
L0=@input; /* Input buffer is circular */
CALL dft (DB); /* Example delayed call instruction */
I2=real; /* In delay field of call */
L2=0; /* '' */
end: IDLE;

/*___________________________DFT Subroutine___________________________*/
dft: B8=sine; /* Sine pointer */
B9=sine; /* Derive cosine from sine by */
I9=sine+N/4; /* shifting pointer over 2pi/4 */
L9=@sine; /* and using a circular buffer.*/
I10=0; /* I10 is used to increment the */
L10=0; /* frequency of sine lookup.*/
F15=0; /* Zero to clear accumulators */
F8=PASS F15, M8=I10; /* Update frequency */
F9=PASS F15, F0=DM(I0,M1), F5=PM(I9,M8);
F12=F0*F5, F4=PM(I8,M8);
F13=F0*F4, F9=F9+F12, F0=DM(I0,M1), F5=PM(I9,M8);
inner: F12=F0*F5, F8=F8-F13, F4=PM(I8,M8);
F13=F0*F4, F9=F9+F12;
F8=F8-F13, DM(I2,M1)=F9; /* Write real result */
MODIFY(I10,M9); /* Increment frequency */
outer: DM(I1,M1)=F8; /* Write imaginary result */

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