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а может кто-нить доходчиво объяснить "Advisory UART_3" из ерраты на С5502 (+)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Цифровые сигнальные процессоры (DSP) и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено Doka 15 сентября 2005 г. 15:52

Advisory UART_3
Spurious Receive Event is Generated When Byte at Top of RX FIFO has Error
уж очень запутанный алгоритм обхода:
To avoid this problem, the CPU must be programmed to service interrupt errors from the
UART. When an error is detected by the UART, the interrupt service routine must follow this
1. Disable the DMA.
2. Clear the erroneous byte from the FIFO (the spurious receive event will be generated
3. Enable the DMA (by this time, the spurious receive event will have already passed).
4. Return to normal operation.
Steps 3 and 4 are optional depending on how the user wants to deal with receiving erroneous
data, i.e., discard data and continue, stop all serial transfers from the UART, etc. Note that the
DMA will stop copying data from the UART FIFO until the error condition is cleared.

и в реальности это все надо делать???

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