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Работавшие с 2407а пожалуйста- при шитье не возникало проблем ? (+)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Цифровые сигнальные процессоры (DSP) и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено гоша 30 мая 2004 г. 22:40

Шью через jtag/ rs232 - содержимое flash меняется вне зависимоти от варирьирования таймингов (в допустимых пределах согласно .xls файлу от TI) и частоты проца, уст загрузчиком 20/40MHz.

Содержимое флэш после clear либо 0x80bd по всем ячейкам- либо 0xae76 - в зав от применяемой утилиты. Изменение таймингов НЕ влияет на эти значения

После erase - содержимое flash уст в 0x0000

Ф-ии стирания/ очистки вываливаются с ошибками 2 и 1 соответственно:

ERROR 114 "Erase"
(Note: The flash errors described below are defined only in the newer embeddable algos. The
older algos generate error code 1 for all the error conditions.)
Flash error 1: This error is generated by clear algorithm. Possible causes are:
· Cause (LF240xA ONLY) The flash is secured. Follow the instructions to unsecure it
in section 1.2
· Cause The flash algorithms could not set the bits to a zero. This can happen due to
the following reasons:
1. The CPU clock-rate is not correct as per utility configuration. If the CPU rate is
too fast, the software delays used in the clear or programming algorithm will be
shortened and the algorithm may reach it’s maximum number of retries with no
effect. Check the CLKOUT frequency using an oscilloscope; If the wrong
frequency, correct the problem and re-program the flash. If this does not
correct the problem then the array maybe permanently damaged.
2. Vccp is not at 5V – Flash Operations are not defined under these conditions.
Ensure the correct voltage on the Vccp pin.
Flash Error 2: This error is generated by erase algorithm. Possible causes are:
· Cause (LF240xA ONLY) The flash is secured. Follow the instructions to unsecure it
in section 1.2
· Cause The flash algorithms could not set the bits to a one. This can happen due to
the following reasons:
1. The CPU clock-rate is not correct as per utility configuration. If the CPU rate is
too fast, the software delays used in the clear or programming algorithm will be
shortened and the algorithm may reach it’s maximum number of retries with no
effect. Check the CLKOUT frequency using an oscilloscope; If the wrong
frequency, correct the problem and re-program the flash. If this does not correct
the problem then the array maybe permanently damaged.
2. Vccp is not at 5V – Flash Operations are not defined under these conditions.
Ensure the correct voltage on the Vccp pin.

+5V шитья в норме...
Ф-я unlock возвращает успех...
Просто писец...

Не было ли у кого аналогичных проблем?

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